Be careful what you say between the lines of teaching - I do not know - why not learn

- Pay attention to the teaching between the lines:
For granted that education is not filling the minds of students with the information, but equip them with necessary skills and the right directions and refinement of character and mental stimuli. What of a student personal teacher and the creation and gift of dealing, education, and his view of things and his way of thinking may be more important than the most beneficial to the breeding of what gives them the information, which can be called between the lines of teaching,
there are always things that are not directly derived by students from the teacher probably is not feel may be positive or negative.
The teacher a hard companion a good attitude and his students interested in gaining work from students love science and love for the school and the good character in dealing with others regardless of the material studied, and vice versa! Vchksatk a major impact on your pupils.
- Say - I do not know - why not learn:
Some teachers shy away if asked do not know to say: I do not know! In fact, the answer to the question of what to "do not know" something we should not shy away from the teacher for several reasons:
1 should respect the flag, respect the mentality of the students were asked if we do not know what the answer is not Nteklv Nraog, but we recognize that we do not know.
2 must consolidate in our minds and the minds of students that are not required of a teacher (not the student) and not in a position to know everything, but the individual must know the limits of his knowledge and abilities and not speak with does not improve.
3 This phrase, "I do not know" if uttered by a teacher with confidence when you increase the ability of his students.
But should the teacher to guide students on how to obtain this information asked about or prepare them look for them himself.

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