تحضير سلطة خضر.. ملفوف، جزر. روب (لبن زبادي). ميونيز. جبن أبيض طري خاص بالسلطة. زيتون. زيت زيتون. طماطم، خيار. ملح، سماق

** خضار مشكلة جاهزة 
** ملفوف، جزر 
** روب (لبن زبادي) 
** ميونيز 
** جبن أبيض طري خاص بالسلطة 
** زيتون 
** زيت زيتون 
** طماطم، خيار 
** ملح، سماق
1- توضع الخضار المشكلة مثل ( الفاصوليا - الذرة -الجزر الخ) والأحسن أن تَشترى جاهزة في أكياس من الجمعية ويوضع معها زيتون أسود مقطع دوائر ( موجود جاهز في الجمعية).
2-َ يؤتى بالملفوف مقطع بالطول والجزر مبشور ويخلطوا مع قليل من الروب وقليل من الميونيز ورشة ملح، يضاف روب او ميونيز للخليط بعد تذوقه بحسب الرغبة.
3- يضاف بعض من خليط الملفوف الى الخضار والزيتون والخيار والطماطم المقطع ويصب عليه قليل من زيت زيتون ثم يقطع جبن أبيض طري خاص للسلطة مكعبات صغيرة ويضاف فوق السلطة ويرش فوقهم قليل من السماق المطحون والملح بحسب الرغبة.

North split into two blocs in the Cold War.. extremist leaders who do not believe in co-existence between the two has the capitalist Harry Truman and Soviet Stalin

Split the world into two blocs developed North and the conflict could due to several reasons, including:
1. sectarian disharmony between capitalism and socialism.
2. privately the United States and the Soviet Union and international leadership.
3. United States out of political isolation and adopted the idea of ​​the defense of the capitalist doctrine.
4. The spread of Soviet communism principles outside the geographical scope during the Second World War, especially in Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia.
5. The existence of extremist leaders who do not believe in coexistence between the two sects (Harry Truman and Soviet capitalist Stalin). 6. feet of the United States of America on the use of corn deadly weapon against Japan at the end of World War II.
7. continuation of the caste system in the capitalist world.

The nature of relations between Eastern and Western blocs.. deployment of military bases and the formation of military alliances such as NATO and the Warsaw Pact

Under disharmony sectarian between socialism and capitalism, the back of a strong conflict between the Eastern and Western blocs, I tried both of them to fill the vacuum created in the international leadership after the decline in the status of France and Britain on the one hand, as well as fill the gap in independent areas for traditional colonialism and the publication of each block doctrine in several ways and means of them :
1. regional military coups and wars.
2. media propaganda.
3. economic and military statistics amounts in them in order to reassure and intimidate the enemy.
4. espionage-related matters and anti-espionage-related matters.
5. dissemination of economic projects, such as:
- Truman Doctrine in March 1947
- Marshall Plan in June 1947
6. deployment of military bases and the formation of military alliances such as NATO Mo April 1949 the Warsaw Pact in May 1955.
7. race to acquire weapons of mass destruction and development.

The principles of the Non-Aligned Movement.. embrace peaceful coexistence and respect for the right of peoples to self-determination policy

Activity was based Non-Aligned Movement on the following principles:
- Adopt a policy of peaceful coexistence.
- Respect for international conventions and international treaties.
- Respect for sovereignty, independence and stability.
- Respect the right of peoples to self-determination.
- Non-interference in the internal affairs of States.
- Rejection of the policy of the use of force to resolve international disputes - condemnation (denunciation and rejection) policy of arms and the formation of military alliances.
- Condemn the policy of racial discrimination based on sex shed on another people or preference over another.

The objectives of the Non-Aligned Movement.. the development of peaceful coexistence and resistance to colonialism and pro-liberation movements policy

Movement emerged in order to achieve several objectives, including:
- Development policy of peaceful coexistence and dissemination in the world.
- International development of friendly relations between the countries of the world.
- Resistance to colonialism and pro-liberation movements.
- Strengthening of peaceful solutions to international problems and resistance to the principle of the use of force in solving them.

The evolution of the concerns of the Non-Aligned Movement Algeria since September 1973.. Conference for countries of the South on the modern technology of the countries of the North

The movement has evolved considerably in their concerns since the fourth conference in Algeria, through the added economic concerns along with former political interests, where called for the need to achieve economic independence for their countries through:
- Adherence to the right of peoples to supervise the natural resources on their own.
- The amendment claim the global economic system and bring it in line with the aspirations of all peoples.
- Emphasis on the need to achieve a balance between the prices of raw materials and the prices of manufactured goods.
- Call for the activation of economic cooperation between their countries.
- Claim the need for countries of the South on the modern technology of the countries of the North.

The disintegration of the Eastern bloc and the policy of encirclement.. Alglansost (transparency and clarity in management) and Albraistrka updates and the introduction of socialist democracy

The disintegration of the Eastern Bloc and the collapse is due mainly to the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the collapse according to several reasons, namely:
-tadd Human ethnic groups: they form the basis of 32 national, including linguistic and ethnic differences and religious large.
- Trying to Soviet power to achieve the regional balance policy across the broad area of ​​the Soviet Union (22.4 million km 2) which is tasked Soviet treasury and displayed to the deficit at the end.
- Concentration of Soviet power on the military side to the social aspect of the population account, which was born of social resentment against it.
- The attention of Soviet power to its allies abroad, even at the expense of the interests of their people at home a Mazad of social resentment against it.
- Soviet economy marked by severe disappeared centrality of individual interpretations, which he created between the working class and the ruling power, and led to the stagnation of the Soviet economy.
- The numerous military interventions of the Red Army of the Soviet abroad and the resulting human and material losses.
- The Soviets failed to achieve food security, despite their efforts, which display to pressure the US Green arms -
- Work of the United States against the Soviet Union in order to drop it so that it is to lead the world.
- The weakness of the Soviet Union's allies abroad.

Fill the void.. policy of the Cold War conflict between the two blocs socialism and capitalism

Vacuum colonial style modern dam policy emerged after World War II during the Cold War between the two blocs socialism and capitalism conflict, the United States applied primarily through trying to succeed France in some areas, such as withdrawing them: Indochina.

The implications of the bilateral relations on the third polar world.. political alliances and tear

Behind the bipolar conflict between the socialist and capitalist camps very negative on the countries of the Third World results being the scene of crises those conflicts, and their people were fuel for wars, as was the territorial replace workout of conventional weapons to the two camps and remains the most dangerous repercussions is the political rupture suffered by some third world countries, including the Congo Korea, India and Cyprus.

Political disruption in the Congo and the implications of the bilateral relations polar.. Patrice Lumumba Movement for the Liberation of the region of the Western presence and executed by elements of the pro-Western capitalist

Congo state in the center of West Africa, sits on an area of B2687000 km 2, is rich in natural wealth and resources of water, divided since 1884 between France, Belgium and the increase of activity liberation movements in the colonies after World War II enables the subject to the Belgium part of getting independence since 1960 under the leadership of Patrice Lumumba, the national men free, which was determined to liberate the region from Western presence, but being accused of allegiance to socialism and wear and executed by the pro-Western capitalist elements prevented this and kept the Congo divided even after the independence of the taxable part of France 1969.

Political rupture in Korea and the implications of the bilateral relations polar.. the signing of the Korean Armistice approved the division of Korea into north and south socialist capitalism separated by a line 38 to the north

Korea peninsula in the far east of Asia, have undergone the Japanese colonization with the end of the 19th century, and Banhzam Japan in World War II and stripped of its colonies was supposed independence of a united island, but the spread of socialist doctrine in the north and the doctrine of the capital in the south prevented the united, despite civil wars between supporters of the isms of June 1950 m to 1953 and Leoz, which stopped the signing of the Korean Armistice approved the division of Korea into north and south socialist capitalism separated by a line 38 to the north.

Political rupture in Cyprus and the implications of the bilateral relations.. polar division of the island to the north of the Greek Muslims and southern Christians Cypriots

Cyprus is an island in the presentation of the Mediterranean Sea, the west coast of the Levant, known presence Islamist since the first conquest of Muslims, ruled by the Ottomans for a period of four centuries, then came under British occupation with the beginning of the 20th century, where he continued until 1960, the date of the independence of the island, and a constitution has given the Muslim community where 40 % of the functions of the police and 30% of public jobs, giving them the right of veto, which can disable any law affect their interests, which, unless the satisfaction of the Christian community on the island, Mmajolha conspire Muslim community, is that Turkey intervened to protect the Turkish Cypriot Muslims prevented this, and led to the division of the island in 1974 into two halves Aalkabbarsh northern Muslims and southern Christians Cypriots.

Economic, political and military dependence on third world countries.. technological backwardness and lack of funds underdeveloped countries and the heads of the urgent need to maintain national security

1 / political dependency: represented in the major colonial powers to link its colonies out of unfair clauses keeps the interests of those colonial powers in their colonies even after autonomy agreements, and that these colonial powers keen to measure assassinations and coups national leaders in order to dislodge and install a pro Systems her example what Patrice Lumumba, Congo and Anwar Mossadegh in Iran did.
2 / economic dependency: resulted from technological backwardness and lack of funds underdeveloped countries which heads displayed for bargains and conditions by the socialist and capitalist camps States.
3 / military dependency: the urgent need imposed by the states to maintain national security to buy the latest weapons and the latest military inventions which the major countries and companies have found an opportunity to tighten its grip on the military backward.

Occurrence of international crises and the imposition of the will of America.. imposition of American democracy elimination of dictatorial regimes by the American perception

* The collapse of the socialist regimes in the wake of the fall of the Soviet Union and the pursuit of these countries to carry out reforms tasked placed upon it and forced it to resort to the international financial institutions (fmi-bird) and in front of the inability of these countries for payment imposed economic and social systems and even education according to Western perspective which is really consecration of the new colonialism.
* The more debt means of political blackmail (the adoption of multi-party systems in order to create loyal internal regulations), as happened in Iraq and Algeria.
* Elimination of the imposition of American democracy to dictatorial regimes by the American perception.
* Tearing the Arab nation and enable the State of Israel in the region.

The end of the Cold War and its impact on international relations.. the world shift from bipolar to unipolar in the framework of the new international order

- Signs of the end of the Cold War between the East and West camps have emerged since the arrival of Gorbachev to power in 1985 and make sure that Malta hold a conference in 1989 and finally announced the end of the cold war, the signing of the Soviet Union and the United States of America to a close in Paris 12.23.1990.
- These developments instability in many third world countries with leftist regimes such as Afghanistan and Yugoslavia.
- Transmission of the conflict between East and West to the north and south of the world and the shift from bipolar to
Unipolarity under the new international order, which gave a new course of international relations entrusted Lu m a Bmnzawrha lead the world through international bodies, the board Nations and NATO.
- Forced Third World countries to adapt to new developments and giving up its anti-imperialist and including line with unipolar.
- The pursuit of a Alo to weaken the role of the Non-Aligned Movement and reduce the effectiveness of South-South cooperation.

The impact of the fall of the Soviet Union in the consecration of colonialism and dependency.. the emergence of a group of Independent States and cracked the communist camp

It followed the fall of the Soviet Union and the communist camp behind him and a group of Independent States countries, the emergence of declaring independence from central authority, and the emergence of Russia as a rightful heir to the Soviet Union (a permanent seat on the Security Council and a large arsenal of nuclear weapons).
* The first countries affected directly this change is the European countries of East, where the end of the Cold War wave of demand for secession from the Soviet Union movements emerged which led to cracking the communist camp and the emergence of new countries the first in Bologna in 1989 and as well as in the Baltic States and Bulgaria in 1991 and Ukraine in 1991.

Afro-Asian solidarity.. find a political attitude of the cold war between the two camps is the lack of a positive bias during the Non-Aligned Movement

Solidarity Afro-Asian is solidarity between African and Asian countries, which began increasing the activity of the liberation movements in the two continents through solidarity and Altnasser among these movements in order to achieve political independence of their country which is his body "Meet Bandung," April 1955, then this solidarity Afro-Asian development to find political position of the cold war between the two camps is "not a positive bias," which came to "Non-Aligned Movement," which has developed concerns since the conference the fourth in Algeria in September 1973 Mahat said economic concerns as well as political concerns in the forefront of calls for amendment of the global economic system and bring it in line with the aspirations of all the peoples of the scientist.

Rip political repercussions in India and bilateral relations polar.. British invasion and partition into India, Pakistan, Bangladesh

India is a large peninsula in South Asia, came under the British invasion since the beginning of the 17th century AD and which policy * March where the divide and conquer *, which led to the division after independence in 1949 to the two states, India and Pakistan with inflicting Bengal, east of India, Pakistan, and given the geographical dimension between them it is about 1600 km demanded independence from Pakistan and have had it, and declared its independence in 1971 in today February 3, which led to the emergence of the State of Bangladesh after her name was formerly belonging to Pakistan when East Pakistan.

Manifestations of the disintegration of the Eastern bloc (the manifestations of the end of the Cold War).. disintegration of the Soviet Union and the destruction of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of Germany

* Disintegration of the Soviet Union and its collapse on December 21, 1991.
* Disintegration of the Eastern bloc and the transformation of Eastern Europe countries of the socialist system to a capitalist system with the early nineties.
* Warsaw Pact military solution and the Organization for Economic Comecon after the Malta summit in December 1989 m.
* Breaking down of the Berlin Wall on 9 November 1989.
* Reunification of Germany on October 3, 1990.

The role of Mikhail Gorbachev's policy of reform in the disintegration of the Eastern bloc and the Soviet Union.. Alglansost and perestroika updates and the introduction of socialist democracy among themselves

Mikhail Gorbachev's reform policy at the end of the eighties and built on my policy Alglansost (transparency and clarity in management) and perestroika (modernization of socialism and the introduction of democracy among them), and this capitalist world led by the United States not only to drop the Soviet Union dismantled to several countries but deliberately to the largest independent republics encircle him and Oratth politically, economically and militarily (Russia) group of small states to prevent the arrival of Russia to the warm areas of the northern, central and southern Europe, and the latest manifestation of encirclement policy is to try to United States deployment of a missile shield American countries of Eastern Europe near the Russian border.

Germans resume deportations from the Lodz ghetto.. deport most of the remaining residents of the neighborhood to the extermination camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau and disposal from the ghetto in Lodz

July 23, 1944. Germans resume deportations from the Lodz ghetto
Between September 1942 and May 1944, it did not make a big deportations from Lodz. And it is similar to the Jewish Quarter with the forced labor camp. In the spring of 1944, the Nazis decided to destroy the Jewish Quarter in Lodz. At the time, Woods was the last remaining Jewish neighborhood in Poland, and had a population of up to 75 thousand Jews. On 23 July 1944, the Germans resumed deportations from Lodz. It was about 7 deport thousands of Jews to the Chelmno camp and kill them. The deportations continued in July and August, where were deported most of the remaining residents of the neighborhood to the extermination camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau. It was eliminated from the ghetto in Lodz.

Deportation of the Jews of Lodz to the Chelmno killing center.. liquidation in gas vans equipped rooms airtight play the role of the gas chambers

January 16, 1942. Deportation of the Jews of Lodz to the killing center Chelmno
Deportations began from the Lodz ghetto to the Chelmno killing center. The German police are assembly operations in the neighborhood. Hundreds of Jews were killed, most of them children, the elderly and the sick in the case during the deportations. By the month of September 1942, more than 70 thousand Jews and about 5 deportation of thousands of Roman (Roma) to Chelmno, where they died in the gas trucks (trucks equipped with air-tight rooms play the role of the gas chambers).

Jewish fighters resisting the Germans in the Warsaw ghetto.. largest and most important Jewish revolution, and the first urban revolution in Europe occupied by Nazi Germany, which

April 19, 1943. Jewish fighters resisting the Germans in the Warsaw ghetto
The Germans decided to get rid of the Jewish quarter of Warsaw and announced a new migration operations in April 1943. The renewal of deportations as a signal of the outbreak of armed resistance in the neighborhood. Most of the people who live in the Jewish Quarter undergo deportation was rejected. Hurried a lot to hide from the Germans in stores and shelters prepared in advance. And entered the Jewish fighters in a fight with the Germans in the streets and stores hidden. Germans and lit the fire in the ghetto to force the population to take to the open spaces, than about the ghetto area to rubble. On 16 May 1943, the fighting ended, after thousands were killed and most of the neighborhood's population deported to forced labor camps. A revolution in the Jewish quarter of Warsaw has been the largest and most Jewish revolution, and the first urban revolution in German-occupied Europe.

Deportation of the Jews of Warsaw district to Treblinka killing center.. forcing evacuees to go to the tape and related Oomhlajplatz Arsofia- Malkinaa Railway

July 22, 1942. Deportation of the Jews of Warsaw district to Treblinka killing center
In the period between July 22 and mid-September of 1942, more than 300,000 people from the Warsaw ghetto deportation: More than 250,000 people were deported to Treblinka killing center. The deportees were forced to go to Oomhlajplatz (relay) point, related to the tape Warsaw-Malkinaa Railway. They were mobilized in shipping vehicles and deported most of them, across Malkinaa, to Treblinka. The vast majority of them were killed upon arrival in Treblinka. In September, at the end of the mass deportation of operations in 1942, only about 55 000 Jews remained in the ghetto.

Identify Jews and disqualification from government office in Nazi Germany.. the dismissal of employees who are descendants of Jewish parents or grandparents from their posts

April 7, 1933. Identify Jews and disqualification from government office
Two months after the inauguration of Adolf Hitler chancellor of Germany, the administration began to purge through legislation that was passed in April 1933. The legislation contains "Aryan paragraph" propose the dismissal of Jews from various areas of society. It was the duty of all government employees to provide documents that show the origin "Aryan." For the first time in history, the legislation is the identification of the person who is a Jew. It was the dismissal of employees who are descendants of Jewish parents or grandparents from their posts. It was the Jews who served in the front line in the First World War or members of their family first-class fell in the conflict until 1935 exemption, and after they were dismissed as well. It was "Aryan paragraph" that define the Jews and Tqilhm from their positions very quickly to all areas of public life in Germany application.

Use badges determine the Jews in Nazi Germany.. wear a yellow star badge out of six parties and pointed the word Jew written on it

September 19, 1941. Use badges identify Jews in Germany
It has Jews aged more than six years in Germany wear a yellow badge by demanding a six-pointed Parties star and written on it the word "Jew" (in German) on the front side in black, and are sewn on the outer clothing at all times. And thus make it easier for the Germans to know just by looking at the Jews. And began the deportation of Jews from Germany operations in October. In March 1942, the Jews claim has also developed the star icon on their home.

"Residential neighborhoods to the Jews" Ghetto in Poland.. briefing by walls or barbed wire fence with entrances guarded by local and German police and special forces members

Millions of Jews lived in Eastern Europe. After Germany invaded Poland in 1939, it has become more than two million Polish Jews under German control. After Germany invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941, several other million Jews also became subject to Nazi rule. Germans have sought to control this huge number of population of the Jews by forcing them to reside in separate sections of cities or towns called the Nazis called "ghetto" or "residential neighborhoods to the Jews". Altogether, the Germans created at least 1,000 ghettos in occupied territories. The biggest of them live in Warsaw, the Polish capital, where he was the detention of nearly half a million Jews.
It was the creation of a lot of the ghetto in cities and towns where Jews are stationed. Jews were brought, as well as some Roma (Gypsies) to the Jewish neighborhoods of the surrounding areas and Eastern Europe. In the period between October and December 1941, it was transferred thousands of German and Austrian Jews to the ghetto in Eastern Europe. The Germans usually allocate the oldest and most Tahedma departments in the cities to create a ghetto. They were sometimes forced to expel the non-Jewish population of the buildings to provide a place for Jewish families. Most of the Jewish neighborhoods surrounded by walls or fences of barbed wire, with entrances guarded by local and German police and special forces members. During the curfew hours in the evening, residents were forced to stay indoors.
In the Polish cities of Lodz and Oarsofia, it was going through a line of vehicles through the transfer of the center of Jewish neighborhoods. Instead of redirecting the lines, they wrap around them were workers from abroad, and the police guarding the area to prevent Jews from escaping on transport vehicles. The travelers from outside the Jewish neighborhoods use the car to go to work on weekdays, and some of them were riding in the Tour on Sundays only ridiculous prisoners of Jewish neighborhoods.

Deportation of the Jews of the city of Warsaw to the Jewish Quarter.. Germans guarding the borders of the Jewish Quarter to prevent movement between the neighborhood and the rest of the city of Warsaw

October 12, 1940. Deportation of the Jews of the city of Warsaw to the Jewish Quarter
The Germans announced the establishment of a Jewish neighborhood in the city of Warsaw. All were deported the Jewish population in Warsaw to the designated area, which has been isolated from the rest of the city in November 1940 and began to create a wall, with a height of more than 10 feet and topped with barbed wire. The Germans guarding the borders of the Jewish Quarter closely even prevent movement between the neighborhood and the rest of the city of Warsaw. The Jewish quarter of Warsaw largest Jewish neighborhoods in terms of both area and population. The imprisonment of more than 350,000 Jews - about 30 percent of the city's population in the area is estimated at about 2.4 per cent of the total area of ​​the city.

The Nazis impose a fine on the Jewish community.. confiscation State payments owned by the believers of the Jewish property owners

November 12, 1938. The Nazis impose a fine on the Jewish community
Nazi state imposed a fine of one billion DM (four hundred) million US dollars to the Jewish community in Germany. And it issued orders for Jews to carry out procedures for the arrangement and work reforms after the massacre. And prevented from obtaining insurance for the damage caused. Instead, the state confiscated payments owned by the believers of the Jewish property owners. Following the massacre, Jews were systematically isolated from all areas of public life in Germany.

Joseph Goebbels calls for an attacking them racist against Jews and the destruction of their homes and businesses and the role of their own worship and to send tens of thousands of them to concentration camps

November 1938 9. Joseph Goebbels calls for an elemental
Made propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels, the German speech excited about anti-Semitism in front of the faithful of the Nazi party in Munich. Party members gathered in the memory of the Nazi's failed coup attempt in 1923 (the first attempt to Adolf Hitler to seize power). After the speech, Nazi officials ordered Storm Troopers (private army) and other party formations to attack Jews and the destruction of their homes and businesses and the role of their own worship. And continued aggression against the Jews until the early hours of the morning on November 10, and I knew this night later as the Kristallnacht - the "Night of Broken Glass". Scores of Jews died were arrested tens of thousands and sent to concentration camps.

The launch of Herschel Jericzban lead on the German diplomat in Paris, Ernst vom Rath.. exciting the supporters of anti-Semitism and considered the incident largest Jewish conspiracy against the Germans

November 7, 1938. The shooting of a German diplomat in Paris
Herschel was launched Jericzban, Polish Jew at the age of 17 years who lives in Paris, shot Ernst vom Rath, a diplomat extension German Embassy in Paris. Jericzban and this process because of the despair of the fate of his parents, who were forced to stay in the border territory, between Poland and Germany, just like other Polish Jews. The Nazis used the incident for exciting the supporters of anti-Semitism, claiming that Jericzban does not work alone, but that was part of the largest Jewish conspiracy against the Germans. Vom Rath died two days later.

The expulsion of the Germans to the Jews.. Poles forced to come up to the border with Poland and stability near the city Zpaszyn tape border after Poland's refusal to allow them to enter

October 28, 1938. German-Jewish Poles expelled
Were expelled about 17 thousand Polish Jew at the hands of the Germans were forced to go out to the border with Poland. Poland has refused to allow Jews to enter. Most of the deportees landed at their own place is populated area on the border between Germany and Poland near the city of Zpaszyn. One of the deportees and the parents of Herschel Jericzban, Polish Jew at the age of 17 years living in Paris, France.

Night of Broken Glass (Kristallnacht).. Germans anger of the assassination of a German official in Paris by a Jewish teen

On the night of November 9, 1938, he broke out aggression against Jews in various parts of the Reich. It all started as if he has not been planned, where the Germans launched the aggression because of the anger of the assassination of a German official in Paris by a Jewish teen. In fact, the information minister German Joseph Goebbels and other Nazi parties carefully organized massacres. During the two days, it was burned more than 250 synagogues were desecrated more than 7,000 Jewish businesses and seized and killed dozens of Jews were seized cemeteries, hospitals, schools and Jewish houses, while the security forces and fire brigades remained not move a finger. And I knew that massacres on behalf of Kristallnacht, the "Night of Broken Glass" because of cracking caused by glass windows and shops which scattered in the streets.
Were arrested 30,000 German Jewish man the day after the massacre morning, because of the "crime" of being Jews were sent to concentration camps, even Hundreds of them died there. As it has been the arrest of some Jewish women and sent to local jails. Not be allowed to re-open the Jewish-owned companies are not managed by people who are not Jews. A curfew was put on the Jews and determine the hours of the day where they can leave their homes.
And increased life difficult after the "Night of Broken Glass" on children and adolescents German and Austrian Jews. Jews already were prevented from entering museums, public parks and swimming pools were expelled at the same time from public schools. It was young Jews isolate, similar to the treatment of their parents, totally unarmed community for Germany. In a moment of desperation, many Jewish adults to commit suicide. I tried many families desperate to leave the country of their status.

Karl Lueger mayor of Vienna anti-Semitic.. economic anti-Semitism to win the support of young businessmen and artisans who are suffering after wave of capitalism during the industrial revolution

April 1897. Karl Lueger, the mayor of Vienna anti-Semitic
It was elected Karl Lueger mayor of Vienna. He served in this position for 13 years, until his death in 1910. It has been used Lueger, who was involved in the Christian Socialist Party establishment, economic anti-Semitism to win the support of young artisans businessmen who suffer post-capitalist wave during the industrial revolution in Austria. He claimed that Jews have a monopoly capitalism, and therefore, they are competing with unfair competition in the economic sphere. It was the use of this form of anti-Semitism by other right-wing parties in Austria and Germany in the early twentieth century as a means to expand the attraction between people. Adolf Hitler has been affected, and that he was staying in Vienna during the mandate of the mayor Lueger her, with all of the anti-Lueger-Semitic as well as its ability to attract popular support. Thus reflected the ideas of Lueger in the Nazi Party in Germany in the twenties of the twentieth century.

The Nuremberg Race Laws.. exception of German Jews from Reich citizenship and the prohibition to marry them or to engage in a sexual relationship with the people of Germany

Place in the party's annual meeting in Nuremberg in 1935, the Nazis for new laws that established many of the dominant theories on Nazi racist ideology announced. And it excludes these laws German Jews from Reich citizenship and deny them to marry or engage in sexual relations with persons of "German or with affiliates of this blood." And stripped local laws that have been added to the Jewish laws of the legitimate rights and deprived them of most political rights.
It did not specify the Nuremberg laws, as defined later, "Jew" as someone with particular religious beliefs. Instead, any person belonging to three or four Jewish grandparents identifies as a Jew, regardless of whether the individual says of himself that he was Jewish or not or affiliated to the Jewish religion, community or not. And he found many of the Germans who did not practice Judaism for years themselves in the grip of Nazi terror. Even individuals who belong to the ancestors of the Jews and converts to Christianity were to determine that they are Jews.
After the issuance of the Nuremberg laws shortly, and in the following weeks and during the Olympic Games held in 1936 in Berlin, the Nazi regime of anti-Jewish attacks eased so that ruled out some signals that indicate "Jews not welcome here" from public places. Hitler did not want to draw international criticism of his government resulting in conversion of the games to another State. This loss may be a serious blow to the prestige of Germany.
After the Olympic Games (in which the Nazis did not allow the participation of German Jews athletes), the Nazis returned again to the persecution of German Jews. In 1937 and 1938, the government wanted to impoverish the Jews, through their demand for registration of their property, and then "the transfer of such property to the people Arjen." This meant the expulsion of Jewish workers and managers, and the seizure of most of the Jewish ownership of companies for the benefit of non-Jewish Germans who bought at low prices set by the Nazis. Jewish doctors from the treatment and prevention of non-Jews, did not allow Jews to lawyers practice law.
Like everyone in Germany, he asked the Jews carry an identity card, but the government said the definition of signs of special cards: was add the letter "J" in red to the card, was also imposed a new name in the middle of the name of all the Jews who did not know automatically their name first on the that "Jew" - this name was the "Israel" for men and "Sara" for women. And it allowed those cards to the police identifying Jews easily.

Put Nuremberg racial laws.. shame to cancel Reich citizenship for Jews and the denial of marriage or engage in sexual relations with the German people

September 15, 1935. Put Nuremberg laws
At the annual meeting of the Party, the Nazis announced a new law to cancel the Reich citizenship for Jews and denying Jews to marry or engage in sexual relations with people "Germans or those who belong to this blood." The "ethnic shame," as it became known at the time, as a crime. She described the Nuremberg laws "Jew" as someone descended from three or four Jewish grandparents. Thus, Class Nazis thousands of people who have converted from Judaism to another religion as the Jews, among them even Roman Catholic priests and Protestant pastors were Jews of their ancestors.

Impose new requirements for marriage in Nazi Germany.. compel the protection of genetic health of the German people couples freedom from genetic and infectious diseases law

October 18, 1935. Impose new requirements for marriage
Committed the "protection of genetic health of the German people the law of" all prospective couples couples to obtain a certificate of public health authorities permit this marriage. He was refused to give such certificates to those who suffer from "genetic diseases" infectious diseases and who are trying to breach of the Nuremberg laws of marriage.

Nuremberg laws outlaw marriage on Jews and Roma (Gypsies) and the black-skinned people or their offspring.. prevent the production of atomic dubious racist

November 14, 1935. Nuremberg laws extend to other groups
Extended first complementary decree of the Nuremberg laws to outlaw marriage or engage in sexual relations with persons could result in offspring "dubious racist". A week later, Interior Minister interpreted this as it applies to relations between "the Germans or of affiliated persons of this blood" and Roma (Gypsies) and the black-skinned people or their offspring.

Anti-Semitism.. Jews were responsible for Christ's death. Violent attacks on Jewish neighborhoods in Russia and Poland

Anti-Semitism is the entrance to try to understand the tragedy that would have occurred to countless numbers of people during the Holocaust.
Over the history of the Jews faced prejudice and racial discrimination known as "anti-Semitism". Romans who led their origins back to the land which is currently "Israel" called for nearly two thousand years, Vantcher Jews around the world and tried to preserve the unique beliefs and culture while living as a minority. In some countries Jews were welcome find, and had enjoyed long periods of peace with their neighbors. In European societies, where religion first peoples are Christian, Jews found themselves increasingly isolated like intruders. Jewish Christian belief not shared that Christ is the Son of God, and many Christians considered this refusal to recognize the divinity of Christ arrogance. Over the centuries, people churches teach that the Jews were responsible for Christ's death, unaware, like most historians today, that the Romanian government is culled from Christ because they are politicians they see as a political threat to their rule. In addition to religious differences, there were economic differences. Laws have imposed restrictions on the Jews, and deprived them of certain positions as well as from owning land.
At the same time, and since not allow the early church practice of usury (lending money any interest), Jews played a vital role to work Kamraban (but secretly) Christian majority. In more miserable times, the Jews are the scapegoat for many of the problems suffered by the people. For example, they blamed them Bzbbhm in "Black Death," an epidemic that killed thousands of people across Europe during the Middle Ages. In Spain in the fifteenth century, I hate to choose between Jews to convert to Christianity or leave the country, or executed. In Russia and Poland in the late nineteenth century, organized by the government, or did not prevent, violent attacks on Jewish neighborhoods, in what is known as the massacre of the masses in which the killing of Jews and looting of homes and shops.
When the spread of political ideas of equality and freedom in Central Europe during the nineteenth century, the Jews became somewhat Msawin citizens before the law. At the same time, however, new forms of anti-Semitism emerged. European leaders who wanted to create colonies in Africa and Asia that eggs were the race, prevailing over other races have protested and this must deploy and control the ethnic "weaker" and "least urbanized. The dish some writers that the Jews, too, introduced them wrong for Jews as a race of people called "High race" which is characterized by its involvement in the blood and physical features.
This kind of racial anti-Semitism meant that Jews remain Jews even if the race turned into Christians. Some politicians began using the idea of ​​ethnic sovereignty in their campaigns as a way to win votes. It was Karl Lueger (1844-1910) one of these politicians. Mayor of Vienna has become, Austria, at the end of the century with the help of anti-Semitism - has attracted voters by blaming Jews for the periods in which the economy worsened. The Lueger as an example of a young man named Adolf Hitler, who was born in Austria in 1889. it has formed Hitler's ideas, including his vision for the Jews, during the years that he lived in Vienna, where he studied methods of Lueger, newspapers anti-Semitic brochures which proliferated during the reign of long-Lueger.

Libel or issue Bilis.. Find killed a Christian boy in the city of Kiev in Russia and accused the Jewish Mendel Bellis, who was working as a guard for a nearby factory to kill him

In 1911 a Christian boy was found dead in the city of Kiev in Russia. The Jewish Mendel Bellis, who was working as a guard for a nearby factory accused it was he who killed the boy, was arrested by the authorities. In 1913 the trial began was acquitted later.

Rhodes libel.. Jews accused of killing a teenager Greek and suspension and arrest of the sect and notables

In the period in 1840 he was found in Rhodes Island Greek boy dead and pending. The Greeks claimed that the Jews are the ones who killed him. Chairman of the sect arrested and dignitaries. It was tried in the capital Istanbul, having endorsed the French ambassador lie for political reasons.

Ezra German Association.. the establishment of schools in Palestine and the establishment of the Technion in Haifa. Asked supporters of integration in Germany to make the German language teaching in schools

Association Ezra: Ezra took the German Association upon themselves to carry out tasks similar to the tasks carried out by the Organization Kiah. Men Ezra set up schools in Palestine, and helped in the establishment of the Technion in Haifa. Following the request of supporters of integration in Germany to make the German language teaching in its schools, it has a strong opposition movement. In 1913, students and teachers left schools Ezra. After a long dispute, known as the "language conflict" opened a Hebrew school after the end of World War I, and stops the activity of "Ezra" Association.

Ort Association.. Association for the dissemination of the work and careers among Jews. Jews in Russia run productivity occupations by train them with vocational and agricultural

Ort Association: ORT is an acronym for the first letters of the Russian name "Society for the dissemination of the work and professions among the Jews." Founded in 1880 in the city of Petersburg, in order to run the Jews of Russia in productivity occupations, by preparing and vocational rehabilitation, and then also for the rehabilitation of the agricultural work.

Integration of the Jews and the Zionist movement's reaction to anti-Semitism.. integration the best way to get rid of oppression and violence

From the reactions of the Jews reaction to anti-Semitism:
Integration: With the growing anti-Semitism in Russia safe section that integrate the best way to get rid of oppression and violence, for this was those willing to give up some religious rites.
The Zionist movement: There is a small group of Jews in Eastern Europe felt that the only solution is the establishment of a state of the Jews in "Zion," the land of Israel.

Blood libel.. Jews accused of slander and falsely that they kill non-Jews, particularly Christians to put their blood in the dough Almsh which is eaten at Easter Holiday

Blood libel is accusing the Jews of slander and falsely that they kill non-Jews, especially Christians - to put their blood in the dough Almsh which is eaten in the Passover holiday. Alfreat this has caused many problems for the Jews. Among the most famous of these Alfreat: Damascus libel year: 1840 - libel Tish Isler in 1881 - and trial Bilis year 1911, it took advantage of the advocates of anti-Semitism in this Alfreat propaganda against the Jews in the country where they lived.

Damascus libel.. disappearance monk Thomas Sardinian holiday such as Easter solutions. Increased interest of the West to the fate of the Jews of the Jews in the East as well as closer ties between Jewish communities around the world

In 1840 he disappeared in Damascus monk Thomas Sardinian and server. The date of disappearance before the Easter holiday solutions. He missed the Jews who had kidnaped a monk and the use of blood in Almsh industry has supported the Pasha of Damascus and the French consul this lie. The result was to provide advice to the Governor of Damascus torturing Jews. Damascus libel was to increase interest in the fate of the Jews, the Jews of the West in the East as well as closer ties between Jewish communities around the world.

Kiah Alliance organization or association.. deployment of European culture between the East and the establishment of Jewish schools to teach the children of Jews in the Ottoman Empire

Kiah Alliance Organization or Association: This organization was founded in 1860 was the mission of this organization deployment of European culture between the East Jews any establishment of schools for the education of the children of Jews in the Ottoman Empire.
Among the initiators of the founding of this organization was Adolf dignified, and Minister of Justice in the French government.

Anti-Semitism and the establishment of assistance organizations.. To provide help and assistance to the needy Jews in support of political, financial and cultural. Kiah Alliance organization or association. Ezra Association. Ort Association

The hardship experienced by Jews, and the consequent migration led to the establishment of an international Jewish organizations help, a mission of providing help and assistance to the needy Jews in support of political, financial and cultural. It is the most important organizations include:
A. Organization Kiah Association or the Alliance.
B. Ezra Association.
C. ort Association.

Anti-Semitism and Jewish immigration.. Jewish immigration to Palestine. Immigration to the United States, Argentina and Brazil

Jewish immigration was the immediate reply act of anti-Semitism, especially in Russia and Eastern Europe. The more the country, which emigrated Jews are Russia, Poland, Austria, Hungary and Romania.
The main motivation for migration in the late nineteenth century, the political factor, which was accompanied by the economic factor. In addition to the unrest and killings that terrorized Jews organized and were forced to emigrate out of fear for their lives and property.
 Migration trends can be divided into two parts:
A-immigration to Palestine: This is called immigration the first migration, has abandoned a few to Palestine and believed that the solution of the Jewish question must be through migration to Palestine, and this migration Tnizt at the hands of young people, mostly from Russia, and the number of Almhaejrebn not estimated twenty thousand immigrant, has been extended for the first migration from the year 1903-1881 and made achievements despite a lot of misfortunes, it began after the events of storms in the Negev.
(B) to migrate to different directions, especially the United States: After growing anti-Semitism in the era of the reign of Alexander III and Nicholas II emigrated about two million Russian Jews. Most immigration was one of the east and west of the country and overseas, such as Argentina, Albralzal, United States of America.

Manifestations of anti-Semitism in France, the Dreyfus affair.. the reason for the defeat of France in the war against Germany goes back to the conspiracy and breach of Jews

Strange spread of anti-Semitism in eighty years in France, which was the first to grant equal rights to the Jews and that the Jews form less than half a percent, and to a large extent integrated into French society. Can understand the spread of anti-Semitism in France on the back of a defeat in 1870 against Germany, Tamer reactionary classes (from monarchists and aristocracy) against the Third Republic, which was formed from the left-wing and Allperalah and because of the presence of Jews among the liberal leaders of the elements, concentrating reactionary its shares on the Jews and raised Jewish logo is the enemy and claimed that the reason for defeat France in the war back to the conspiracy and breach of Jews and took this as an excuse to stir up the spirit of hate them Add to that the bankruptcy of the Catholic Bank tragic loss suffered by the children of the reactionary classes because of it and accusing Rothschild family it from behind it and finally bankruptcy Panama company-backed government, which has proven to be supported against the to obtain a bribe. The success in making the issue of Panama Jewish issue goes back to a single anti-Semitic leaders in France journalist Edward Dereymon in his book, which he published under the name of France, the Jewish year 1886, which included a historical overview of the role played by Jews in the country, attributing to them all the calamities that befell them and then founded the organization of anti-Semitism nationalism in France and then issued a daily called "free-up" which the organization began to publish propaganda against the Jews newspaper. The main issue exploited by anti-Semites to achieve their goals was the Dreyfus affair in 1894 accused the Jewish artillery officer individual Dreyfus of treason were found military documents held by the German military attache in Paris Messages handwriting looks like the officer Dreyfus line and in a humiliating ceremony in the presence of hundreds of soldiers and to the sound of trumpets deposed Order Dreyfuss Military dated July 5, 1885 and rips medals ranks for his coat and broke his sword over his head and set off outcries from the audience Death to the Jew traitor either Dreyfus has confirmed his patriotism in another way. In the moment in which the audience was shouting it spits France live. Dreyfus denied to French Guana Island. But the owners of conscience in France never left the case without indifference Many of the senior scientists, writers and politicians have made their efforts to cleanse the Dreyfuss name has finally proved that the documents were not Dreyfuss line, but false, Major Esterhazy, an officer out of Hungarian in the French command and had worked in the service German intelligence and returned the case to put before a secret military court acquitted him of all charges in the meanwhile erupted disturbances against the Jews of Algeria, who announced them since 1870 as people with full rights Kalmoatunain French and that was thanks to the efforts and the efforts of the lawyer Adolf Krmiyet one Jewish leaders and who served as Minister of Justice in France later known as the French writer Emile Zola publication of an open letter to President of the Republic under the title "I am accused of" .athm the Esterhazy counterfeiting message Zola was tried on this mission was sentenced to one year and pay high fine was forced to flee to England. France was divided after that to the one two camps along Dreyfuss and the other against him was Gen. Henry Junior High French Command extra work falsification of help to condemn Dreyfus discovered his committed suicide in 1898 and when the referee took over the government of the liberal re-discuss the issue of new and re-Dreyfus to France and was sentenced by the military court This time in prison for 10 years in spite of escape Esterhazy to London and revealed the truth there, and after the end of the trial to grant President pardon to Dreyfus. But the decision was canceled in 1906 and demanded Dreyfus of his rehabilitation and his appointment Megera in senior leadership also awarded the Order of superiority battalion of honor and after a long time after the the end of the Dreyfus affair shouted the former military security attache in France on his deathbed after he alerted his conscience in such critical moments, "Dreyfus was innocent Dreyfus was innocent."

Austen Chamberlain.. ester Solimosze slaughtered by the Jews. Jewish butcher Adolf Boshoff killed a Christian boy for religious purposes

Austen Chamberlain: in Austria was the leader of the movement of anti-Semitism head of Germany's University bloc in the Reichstag (Parliament) in Vienna has had an impact on his ideas of anti-Semitism on his student lawyer Lugar and Hitler Among the most prominent manifestations of anti-Semitism in Austria blood libel Tish-Assler In 1882 disappeared in the town Hungarian ( Tish-Assler) Christian girl has ester Solimosze son mattress synagogue that 12-year-old testified that he saw through the eye of the synagogue lock How slaughtered the girl was arrested community leaders, but the court acquitted. In 1891 he accused the Jewish butcher Adolf Boshoff he was a Christian boy killed for religious purposes, but the court acquitted him and contrast in 1901 was sentenced to death on the Jewish Alkndrgi Helsnr because of religious killed in the city of Bulena in Bohemia (Czech Republic), but the Tsar replaced the death sentence to life imprisonment has been released Only in 1918 after serving 19 years in prison.

Official anti-Semitism in Russia.. the presence of Jews in all economic and literary fields. Jewish parasite and exploiter is the culprit in all the evils and misfortunes. Blow the Jews and Save Russia

Since the mid-19th century added a new dimension to the traditional religious Lasamyh is a modern anti-Semitism in Russia as in Western countries, the main reason for modern anti-Semitism in Russia as in Western countries, the main reason for modern anti-Semitism was the presence of Jews in all economic and literary fields. In Russia, unlike Western countries' power was itself anti-Semitic which imposed restrictions on Jews and pursued them in such a system all charges directed towards the minority, which turn out to be a scapegoat and the appeal "Blow the Jews and Save Russia" is a better expression of that. Jewish parasite and exploiter is the culprit in all the evils and calamities taking place in Russia and here the belief that the Jews would improve the situation hit Russia. Vallasamyh in Russia, unlike those in Western countries has often been expressed in physical violence.

May laws.. The prohibition of the establishment of the Jews in the villages and cities or towns and villagers accused of lending money with interest obscene and open mufflers and damage to the population, leading to the spiritual rot

After a series of disturbances and assaults on Jews in Russia, authorities have imposed a series of harsh verdicts unfair knew May laws where Jews residence ban in villages and cities or towns and gave as the reason this risk by accusing Jews lent villagers money riba obscene and open mufflers and this leads in their view to harm the population and lead to spiritual Tavenhm In 1883 committee it was formed by a decree from Caesar was invited to the Commission in May, which confirmed Bahln laws and imposed unfair judgments on the three areas of life which is the most vibrant housing rights, education, freedom of profession. In 1887 the Supreme institutes identified the proportion of Jewish students so that no more than their proportion among the inhabitants of the state and unfair judgments reached its peak in 1891, the expulsion of the Jews of Moscow, who numbered about twenty thousand, most of them with liberal professions, traders and industrialists and staff.

Anti-Semitism in Germany and Austria.. reduce the rights of Jews and the abolition of their right to vote and ban the entry of Jews outside Germany and restrictions very harsh on the rights of Jews

Germany is considered the cradle of anti-Semitic movement, which first appeared in the form of a political party, after a short period of consolidation at the hands of Bismarck in the seventies. The motive for the emergence of economic and cultural superiority to which the Jews and that has raised against them all the aristocratic classes and class employees and self-employed and in particular the petty bourgeoisie that the erosion of its position thanks to the establishment of large factories have had. He attributed this to the Jews spread across the waves of hatred against them in all parts of Germany and Austria. Wilhelm was founded in 1878: "league of anti-Semitism," which set itself the goal is: to prevent the appointment of Jews in government jobs or lecturers at universities.
As for the Jews who confessed thanks to liberal movements in support for the liberation and equal rights have joined the ranks and became very active within it. Many Jews have been known for their activity among political liberals. But German Chancellor Bismarck was in a feud with liberals to face that his hatred for Jews shares.
In this period, the campus Jewish soldier of progress in the hierarchy of military ranks and shut the door of the Ministry of Justice and judicial positions in the face of the Jews and banned the Ministry of Education hired as teachers and university professors from the campus of the Jews get a degree professor and froze Jews degrees in government jobs.
In 1881 made a "league of anti-Semitism," a petition to parliament calling for the reduced rights of Jews and the abolition of their right to vote and ban the entry of Jews outside of Germany was signed on this broad four million German and in 1882 held in Dresden anti-Semitic First International Conference came resolutions calling for the imposition of restrictions in the very intensity on the rights of Jews. Jews commented hopes for the Kaiser Frederick III liberal and a known opponent of the Lasamyh But his rule did not take long for more than three months either his successor, Wilhelm II, who in the equality of all citizens has taken no action against Allasamyin Among the most prominent leaders of anti-Semitism in Germany: Adolf Steikr. Heinrich Trajtchke. Austin Tchembrln.

Heinrich Treitschke.. Jews element secluded inside the German people see themselves as a chosen people aspire to the Judaization of Germans instead they turn to Germans

Heinrich Treitschke: Professor of which focused articles many on the national side in the German case and lectures have claimed that the Jews are still isolated element within the German people also see themselves as a chosen people aspire to the Judaization of Germans rather that they turn to the Germans as they pledged this when you give them equal rights . He claimed that the equality they received made them underestimate Bmekdsat the German nation and to declare false so we demand the cancellation of equality but call for Jews to refrain from actions and integrate fully the German people, otherwise they have to leave their Germany and establish their own state because it does not place on the land of German nationalism double.

Manifestations of anti-Semitism in Eastern Europe and storms in the Negev.. prevent Jews from living and working in the areas of trade outside the new Russia and the wrath of the religious Orthodox institution

Until the mid-18th century, the number of Jews in Russia a little bit. Taking the number growing, since the era of Czarina Catherine II, and especially after the partition of Poland between Russia, Prussia and Austria, where Russia got the lion's share. In 1791 it was ordered to prevent Jews living and working in the trade outside the new regions of Russia occupied by Katrina II regions which allowed the Jews to housing which they were invited scale housing included the scope of housing areas housing the Jews in Poland before the divided sparsely populated areas in the south of Russia, which wanted Tsar area resettlement at all costs, even to the Jews. It extended the scope of the residential area of ​​the Baltic Sea in the north along the western border of the Russian Empire, which reached an area of ​​about one million km2.
At the end of the 19th century the number of Jews living in the scope of housing about 5 million Jews stood at the equivalent of 90% of the Jews of Russia The most important development in the life of Jews in Russia large influx towards the big and small cities and towns In 1900 housing about 80% of the Jews of Russia in cities . In certain areas of the Jews form the majority of the population of these cities and in many towns was almost the entire population of Jews.
In terms of economic Aatah Jews from the provision of services to the people of the neighboring villages also they were used by nobles in their land management and formed a Jewish town, a center of trade and craft works of the surrounding area with all this Jewish town lived a full Jewish life. Jews in Russia has maintained its traditional isolation from the world non-Jew and did not leak them, update and trendy ideas. In the second half of the 19th century building of the traditional life of the Jewish community, especially the Jewish town began Atdeda Valthadit (especially reforms of Tsar Alexander II and the penetration of capitalism into the town Judaism) spent some Jewish professions and in some other professions that have worked for them by the competitors. Adding to weakness in the Jewish town at the end of the 19th century, waves of migration to large cities or to the West. Thus Jews moved business center of Jewish towns to the big cities. In big cities there has been a substantial change in the work of Jews as in the past. And crystallized within the Jewish community distinct layers: the proletarian bourgeois capitalism and industrial.
 In Russia as in the West, and to a lesser but entrepreneurs, Jews played a major role in the establishment of banks to extend railways and the development of industry. Hundreds of thousands of Jews who migrated to the cities have worked in the industry. But culturally it has crystallized for the first time Jewish culture secular and large cities in Tsarist Russia (such as Petersburg, Odessa, Warsaw) turned into cultural centers active has artists and men of the theater and Asahafiyon contributed to the creation of a rich and varied culture and since the 80 years of the 19th century began issued Jewish newspapers in Eastern Europe Stories Shalom Alikhm the first I've printed in 1881 and published in the weekly magazine issued Pallaidash In Petersburg newspaper Today newspaper first published in Hebrew were Jewish culture in every sense of the word were I expressed the Jewish national Amani also expressed other cultures for national aspirations Kalpolndeh and Russian culture was also the culture secular in every sense of the word, and which characterized this culture it was a triangular Language Valmqalat published in Hebrew and Pallaidash and in the local language (Russian-Polish-German) and sometimes they publish all the articles in three languages. It faced a small class of intellectuals double opposition at home angered the Orthodox religious establishment and abroad has become a strengthened anti-Semitism that prevailed among the people and among conservative circles in the Russian authorities.

The concept of anti-Semitism.. Hatred of Jews because they are Jews, hatred and hostility towards all the peoples of the Sami who, including Jews and Arabs

The term anti-Semitism theory mean hatred of Jews because they are Jews. It appeared in European countries in the second half of the nineteenth century, and prevailed in the early twentieth century. The literal meaning of this term against Semites, any hatred and hostility towards all the peoples of the Sami, who, including Jews and Arabs. In fact it used to express anti-Semitic hate all Jews.

Guidance may be useful to students

Life lessons does not end, and wonders does not expire, have been told of date. Live a long view of many things, and not taught the books to learn life is not drained a lot of experiences and lessons, and may have narrated that the peace be upon him, he said: It is not Ichavan Hamman, a seeker of knowledge and demanded money.
However different our goals and our purposes varied, and varied demands on the back of this mortal without a doubt, we students in the schools of different life at the end of the day ..
However, I do not want to go into the maze of difficult for us to get out safely, so I go back to the heart of the matter and the essence of modern New whisper in the ears of every student is aware of some guidelines and instructions that are not indispensable that the case, especially after he asked me some of the brothers to go ahead they provide some tips that may still be banned in my memory modest. 
I can not imagine that one can never achieve the goal or the completion of the work required of business-as-it were not for the fact he has the desire to carry out this project or that, but his efforts went with the wind .. So the student must possess the desire to receive knowledge, and look everywhere for him no matter what the cost .. The embodiment of this desire and determination on the ground, it is asked Ela Sahar nights ..
I have found in this time of carrying heavy books, and come to the scientific centers without having any real desire to learn, then there is no difference in my humble themselves and between those who preferred to stay within the walls of ignorance, illiteracy, or imprisonment for a reason ...
When available this status for the students, it must maintain continuity and to move forward on this path, because I noticed within my short in this area that science students lack this feature often, so we find the student a lively and active, and industrious and diligence in the beginning of the year like a school was determined to correct the mistakes of last year and to compensate the previous losses, but quickly extinguished the torch, and off this vital before you go a few weeks to replace idle almost always remain with him until the end of the year .. And wake up from his slumber in time does not work it is very or discretion .. When will our children learn to persevere and persist in the collection of useful knowledge and useful?! Because science does not give you some even give it all your wise men as he said ....
Early planning: planning is of important issues when you do any of the projects or of a work, since it is certain that all of our endeavors are doomed to abject failure that we did not plan for everything at the right time .. It seems to me that the science student in dire need of planning and prioritization ... Because we did not get used to planning since childhood find the majority of our goals are not achieved, making our ambitions to become "the impact after a while," my brother you have to plan the student for review and consultation before it is too late .. Do not make hours of leisure time for playfulness and chaos so as not to die of loss and regret the day honors the successful and insulted the Alraspun .. Harvested each day, including a man who planted his hands for good or evil .. If there is no need to laziness and relaxation in the working time and the acquisition of knowledge, but not your logo always say Abu al-Qasim al-Shabi:
Not get up and walk in the conduct of life
Nam is not waiting for life
And never all that trust in God and rely on and trust welcomed .. This Lima memory serves me by the days .. And talk the rest of what we stay alive.

May be wise to lay on the side of the road

Read the all Issadvkm even sage leaves in the street do not leave them
This is the advice that was always occupies the first rank on the list of advice that was repeated by teachers back and forth in front of the blackboard when I was in the first primary to encourage us to read and understand their importance.
The funny thing is I applied the last part only of the advice literally, as the more send me to a store or market to buy something I track given papers discarded in the street,
and if any one of them written in Arabic only and work up all my strength and passion raging in my veins and I stand in the street without that his father warmly the sun or what is going on
Around to AVC code words written on the paper that I have not Okhvakm secretly I was suffering and tired and sweating and I pronounce each character on the Haddah then the entire character on one of utter the word, and I was happy and jumping monkey here and there if uttered this word that made the effort form the right, and passed days and exceeded the primary and junior high and still read the papers that I find my way in (that period) Whenever I enter my room I stand hours in front of the mirror and think of beauty and advantages, and sack my hair left and right, and I say to myself, if I as well as for the well ... 
As usual, I found a paper in my way ... Yes, they were thrown neglect readers complain .. and was in the paper the story has changed my view of beauty on its head ... This paper tells the story of the suffering experienced girl was caused by a glamorous beauty .. Yes, any reason exquisite beauty of this girl .. she says she tells her story: I have turned my life into an unbearable hell ... Did not taste the taste of happiness ... Never lived a moment of success .. Not lived moments of struggle for the future and self-realization you say that the content of future ... Jamali is my sponsor ... H, however, was myself my obsession .. I had a sense of the word beauty .. By all means .. What looked on the sun and I find only the fans .. One after the other .. Gifts do not stop .. Neglected my studies and I said what's proposal to fatigue and to ensure .. And rest on the doors Calling For Helma ... I say you will marry a wealthy and live all the lives of kings .. And actually made ​​me a wealthy, it Bzwage Taasta journey began and my suffering ... And called for confidence in myself and Variqtha irreversibly ... Jealousy over the fiction that he was envious glances from men, even if transient ..Doubts and suspicions behind until it became the I forget .. What of the day, the quarrel upon us ..Lost language of dialogue and understanding between us .. I have no guilt in what is happening is that I am beautiful ... Forbidden me to go out with him but .. Become trapped in the walls ... But do not take me with him to show off in front of people Bjamali ... I wished the night bit like a woman quietly within the confines of my husband, but was beaten by the security of dreams ... Permanent differences turned night to day ... Beaten and insulted .. The trip ended in divorce suffering Station ..Provide me with many, but not because I live in the wife her husband's house, but an honorable impulses to cross, do not trust a woman who desires all men, this was the result of aesthetic and Grora ... No education, no certificate no husband and is afraid to protect me from wolves and humans live under Islamic rule safely.
Conclusion: Beauty is not beauty of form, but beauty is the beauty of the soul and character .. Beauty is the beauty of science and faith .. Chastity, decency, and literature.
It is the day that I read this story which I found thrown in my way and I will call for teachers of oldink.
Came all become no taste .. Aimlessly ... Torment in agony.

Messages on the laser disc to the owners of lonely hearts in the other planets

French willowy beautiful planet of 1.83 meters in length require a long elegant romantic companion, if possible .. Love letter of the Florence Doga "30 years" to the owners of lonely hearts in the other planets .. The postman bearing rockets thousands of messages will cross the solar system on its way to the moon is full of secrets
A variety of letters .. Calls for love .. Urged a peaceful coexistence Connie .. Welcome meal floor appetite convey a rocket-American to be launched in October 2000 to Titan, Saturn's largest moon. And hopes the European Space Agency, based in Paris that about a million people take advantage of this opportunity to register
their mark on the universe of these messages can be sent to the Agency through the World Wide Web Internet
The door will remain open for acceptance messages until the first of March and then being stored on laser disc explorer will carry automatic "robot", Huygens, with a wide range of scientific equipment to measure Juthaatan
And will be launched rocket that will carry the Huygens from Cape Canaveral on a joint mission of NASA, "NASA" and its counterpart in Europe. Fall Huygens by the umbrella on the surface of Titan in November 2004 and there will remain, and be surprised by any residents if they are found on the surface of Titan, which damaged cloud of clouds orange does not contain evidence of life, where the temperature reaches 180 degrees Celsius, more disturbingly, of the nature of earthly if they dump disk laser
The following is a sample of messages that would bring, Huygens: "hello, O worm green" from the Crystal Everett
"If you want friends hello to you on the blue planet" Invite him to Louise Castro, "13 years" "Rescue" Pietro Gonzalez Francisco shouting "43 years"
"Go to hell, the mad strangers" curse Massimo Ginala "26 years"
"Do not cry because you can not see the sun because the tears obscure you, stars" The Poetry of the Daniel Severino from Sevilla, Spain
"Seek impossible" from Francois Michel Javiz
"Be polite and we are pleased to offer you a plate of pasta," the invitation of the Italian Rita Christopara. The majority of the communications call for love and peace
The Titan is just 1.42 billion miles from the sun than ten times the distance from the earth.According to the European Space Agency that there is no way to verify the figures attained by the owners of the messages on the Internet, including the bizarre speech posing as U.S. President Bill Clinton, said by French fluent all the inhabitants of the land that dream of becoming American Make Dear Qmrkm U.S. states and fifty-one
Says Jean-Paul pied a spokesman for the European Space Agency that the project is similar to sending letters in bottles and dumping in the ocean with no hope in getting a response.

The issue of space aliens that kidnapped people scam

Confirmed the newspaper "Sunday Times" that the British insurer has announced that it paid one million pounds (1.7 million) for the person who owns an insurance policy to have against the "abduction by aliens from outer space" the process of fraud and Simon Burgess Director of the company " Godvelo Ingramz Rebecca Pearson Limited ", specializing in insurance against the extraordinary risks, announced that the beneficiary of the policy and claims Joseph Carpenter presented" evidence of Atdhoud "on the abduction
He explained that one of these "signs" transparent nail stuck in his coat when you get how the "kidnapping" as well as photographs and tape Video plucked four people were with the Carpenter confirmed the accident, Joseph Carpenter, an electricity in the twenty-third year-old obsessed with everything concerning Basahon plane, has purchased the insurance policy in October 1999 and paid an annuity of one hundred pounds sterling (170 dollars), according to the insurance company
The newspaper said that the Burgess sold after the announcement of the 1100 issue an insurance policy, each worth one hundred pounds sterling, adding that it was a propaganda carried out by the partner for Burgess had tried to sell insurance policies through the publication of advertisements in American newspapers.

Japanese scientists are planning a tea party in space

May not allow time for the astronauts who roam the space around the Earth in a vehicle narrow the exercise of any type of recreational fun, But, if the plan developed by the Japanese space agency is to succeed will be able to scientists to spend moments of leisure to learn the rituals minute for tea parties, traditional Japanese
Involved and Space Development Agency of Japan with several points in the establishment of the International Space Station led by the United States and Russia and will cost $ 95 billion and the agency is working with the teachers and students of the Fine Arts to develop a design for the exploitation of an area of four square meters in area allocated to the Agency hall for tea parties.
The Tea Party of Japan offered usually girls Japanese chic dress traditional Japanese (Kimono) and doing during the preparation of green tea powder probably can not cope with zero gravity, but the agency emphasizes the relaxed atmosphere of the tea room itself often characterized by small size and simply decorated and carpeted floor Bibsth Japanese usually made ​​of straw and said Yoshihiro Nakamura, a spokesman for the agency: It can be difficult to travel through space in terms of psychological and so the idea is intended to provide a place for rest and relaxation.

Lebanon: Hezbollah Is swallows the bait?

Because it is an artificial country list since its inception, the irregularity and looting, and because it is grown in the vicinity of 'hostile' has been rejected and remove since its establishment, Israel can not only be a permanent fear, confusion, and is safe as it claims its borders, and can only think of the mentality of 'security zone' occupation, or to be neutralized or disarm (Sinai, southern Lebanon, the Golan Heights, the Jordan Valley). 
And they placed themselves in isolation and political strategy since its birth is natural, because the West that created cloned They are 'Jewish state', allowing them of the reasons for existence, development and hegemony a lot, can not, however, believes in the need to pre-empt any threat, even if tolerated little, attack, lightning or a devastating war, exploiting the weakness and lack of cohesion between the countries of the Ring (collar doves I mean), and examples of wars and attacks by Israel's pre-emptive countless (the tripartite aggression, war 67, the destruction of reactors, Iraq and the location of Deir ez Zor Syria, the war on Lebanon in 2006, the war on Gaza 2008, hit a convoy of weapons destined for the Gaza Strip through Sudan, assassinations cadres of the resistance ..) and invoking these Almattiyin, any apprehension and mobilize Israel's Permanent one hand, and the willingness and the means and the protection has to carry out wars and preemptive strikes, we can find an introduction to the reasons for the focus of Israel on Lebanon and the aggression it more often than others from all neighboring countries, and Fbmoukah composition and disturbance, is Lebanon as a whole the most important and dangerous 'security strip' adjacent to Israel, as it failed to keep a band pulled out of the south, and forced under the blows of the resistance in 2000. 
Lebanon and south in particular the most serious and far more important than a bar east bank of the River Jordan and the Sinai, who were not assigned to Israel to secure, from the time and probably forever, only the ink that signed by the Camp David and Wadi Araba, when he thought a system of Jordan and Egypt that they had achieved a great victory and a clear victory, in the when they come to be hostage to Israel and the West supporting it, and did not happen as they were hoping that fed the treaties their countries of hunger a few hundreds of millions on the decrease, also did not happen that Amenthma treaties from the fear of resettlement or incite the Nile Basin countries, but had suffered the Israel dignity systems and wounded pride of all Arabs, and was able to neutralize Egypt, Jordan, and Pthieddidahma have been to isolate Syria and thereby securing the bar is another strategic Golan Heights, lost by Arabs as a whole and not to criticize Syria retrieved individually. 
Here it is possible to understand the admiration of the Arab peoples Lebanese and South of them in particular, can also imagine the amount of anxiety and frustration caused by Lebanon to the Zionists, and the extent of their determination and Astajalhm and their desire to weaken Hezbollah, specifically, through political maneuvering and intelligence, especially after the aborted attempt by Israel to secure the last bar border and the closure of another holding an open front, and her liver a setback in prestige, but its army and threatened in their own colonies and still is. It is therefore not surprising that insists Western powers and behind Israel to the International Tribunal and its presumptive shameless and lane, but strange and exciting challenge is the position of the forces of March 14 of that resolution, a position opportunistic and clearly likely to gain domestic political and partisan interests and personal of the Interior, the higher interests of the homeland and national security threatened by what I found Israel. The International Tribunal and its decisions are only open to legitimize a gathering of the nose at the core of the conflict: the issue of disarming Hezbollah, which is the before and after all an internal matter, which met around a strange views of the party's opponents at home and enemies abroad. 
In the midst of the resolutions and the statements and opinions 'presumptive' that has been heaped on Hezbollah recently, it's OK to add a question 'I think' to the list: Is Wenger Hezbollah to the taste of 'the implementation of the coup d'etat in Lebanon' which everyone seems to be driven by impulse to swallow, trying to be confined in the corner? We have heard, for example, statements that 'Znyen' simultaneous, Erjuhan Hezbollah coup in Lebanon, one of the Army official, the Israeli military and the other is not only to His Eminence Patriarch Nasrallah Sfeir, a more enthusiastic to strip the resistance of its weapons. Personally, I think that the Lebanese factions that Ijtenboa further internationalization of their internal differences, and refrain from demanding the disarmament is at the origin and to some extent is now ready to protect them from the Zionists who have already attacked them repeatedly and killed, including thousands, so do not apply to them Moroccan proverb: 'I help him to dig the graves of his father, steals from me the ax '. I also think that Hezbollah demands more than ever before to show restraint and to act wisely as his behavior since the adoption of resolution 1559, which is the Court 'presumptive' Slelth (and custody of Mr. Jumblatt), so that no party fall into the trap and applicable Moroccan proverb also: 'the view grass did not see the abyss'. 

Kamal Abu Raya: «the moment of birth» coincide and the birth of Heliopolis

Participating artist Kamal Abu Raya in filming the series «the moment of birth», who monitor him 12 million pounds, a production company «Voice of Cairo for Audio and Video», is written to allow Hariri and directed by Walid Abdel-Aal and starring Sabrine Ahmed Khalil, Ayten Amer, Karim Al-Husseini and Salah Rashwan.
For the series says Laboure: «after he was named« the limitations of the Silk »we changed to« the moment of birth »to coincide with the birth of Heliopolis after the revolution of January 25, note that to allow Hariri began writing before the revolution, but was keen to add the scenes with the end of the events related to developments Last, and will include scenes from the live demonstrations of the Revolution, as it provides the conditions of society in the era of the former regime, which led to protests, particularly the exposure of the middle class in recent years a lot of pressure led to the collapse. It also deals with the repercussions of crises on the Egyptian society and the family before the revolution, through the emergency event experienced by a simple Egyptian family is reflected in the accounts of the material ».He adds: «spin doctor about the events in the Faculty of Arts, she married the love of her colleague and formed a happy family together, but exposed to the crisis of material leads the pair to travel abroad to improve the conditions of his family, and there married by causing an imbalance in the family».
Laboure explains that the series monitors the work of social problems of society at all levels in Egypt before the revolution and depicts witnessed developments led to the winds of change, despite the existence of a state of confusion and blurred vision. He says he was encouraged him to it is written in good shape, and the personal and embodied in the new stages, without forgetting that the working group «excellent».
The Laboure that the series is witnessing changes in the events and personalities, P «hero who travels to the Gulf to raise the level of material gain a lot of money, marry a woman not his wife, and open a shopping center great, but grow up a fire leads to losing all his money goes back to Egypt after to get shocked cause his paralyzed ».
Laboure believe that writing will see dramatic changes to suit the new circumstances, in particular that the public would not accept the work surface and will continue to be serious with the art that mimics the concerns of the community and reviews the aspirations and frustrations. He denies the existence of problems of productivity might stand in the way of completing the series, explaining that the company «Voice of Cairo» provide a good climate.
And calls for artists Laboure Union and non-distracting their concentration differences in side effects such as black lists, etc.; «because the interests of the country is the most important, and that the public trusts the artist a lot, so we must translate this confidence and to serve people by providing business-class».

الحجر ومفاعله في قانون الأحوال الشخصية الدرزي.. يحجر القاضي على المجنون والمعتوه والسفيه وذي الغفلة ويقيم عليه وصياً بعد ان يتحقق من ذلك بالشهادة والتقارير الطبية

- يحجر القاضي على المجنون والمعتوه والسفيه وذي الغفلة ويقيم عليه وصياً بعد ان  يتحقق من ذلك  بالشهادة والتقارير الطبية أو بأحدهما حسب مقتضى الحال.
- إذا حجر  القاضي على  من  ذكر يعلن  للناس  بسبب  الحجر.
- يشترط حضور الشخص المطلوب الحجر عليه  امام القاضي وإذا تعذر ذلك فعلى  القاضي أن  ينتقل لاستماعه  عند الاقتضاء.
- لا تعتبر تصرفات المجنون قبل الحجر وبعده وإنما تصح تصرفاته قبل الحجر في حالة إفاقته.
- لا تعتبر تصرفات  المعتوه  وذي الغفلة  قبل الحجر  وبعده إلا إذا كان لهما فيها نفع محض.
- تصرفات السفيه قبل الحجر جائزة ونافذة أما تصرفاته  بعد الحجر وإعلانه فغير معتبرة فيما عدا الزواج والطلاق والإنفاق على  من تُجّبَ عليه نفقتهم والوصية في سبيل الخير إن  لم يكن  له  وارث.
- لا تسلم إلى المجنون أو المعتوه او السفيه او ذي الغفلة أمواله بعد زوال الحجر إلا بحكم من القاضي يفيد زوال هذا السبب.

تصرفات الوصي في قانون الأحوال الشخصية الدرزي بإسرائيل.. المحافظة على أموال القاصر وتنميتها بقدر الإمكان والتصرف في منقولاته بإذن القاضي

- واجبات الوصي المحافظة على أموال القاصر وتنميتها بقدر الإمكان.
- للوصي أن يتصرف في منقولات القاصر كافة وإن لم يكن للقاصر حاجة بثمنها على أن يستأذن القاضي بذلك.
- تشترط إجازة  القاضي لنفاذ عقد  البيع  بأحد المسوّغات الشرعية المذكورة في المادة السابقة. ولا يجوز للقاضي أن  يمنح الإجازة إلا بعد إجراء تحقيق دقيق يثبت المسوّغات الشرعية  المشار إليها.
- على الوصي مختاراً كان أم منصوباً أن  ينظم قبل  مباشرة أعمال الوصاية وبمعرفة من القاضي لتحرير التركة بياناً بأموال القاصر من منقول وغير منقول وإذن يعرضه مرفقاً بالمستندات لمصادقة القاضي عليه.
- على الوصي المختار أو المنصوب أن يقدم في ختام كل سنة حساباً إلى القاضي  بدخل القاصر وخرجه وإذا امتنع  بعد  إنذاره عد مقصراً وعزل.
- لا يجوز للوصي أن يبيع ماله للقاصر أو ان  يشتري لنفسه أو أن يبيع لأحد أصوله أو فروعه مال القاصر.
- لا  يجوز  للوصي  قضاء  ديّنه  من  مال  القاصر ولا  إقراضه واقتراضه ولا رهن ماله عند القاصر ولا ارتهان ماله.
- ليس للوصي أن يوّكل غيره  بما  يجوز له عمله  بنفسه  في  مال القاصر  إلا  بإذن  من  القاضي  فيما   خلا  التوكيل  بالخصومة والمرافعة ، وللوصي عزل الوكيل.
- إذا أقام الموصي  وصيين  فقبل أحدهما  الوصاية  ورفض  الآخر فللقاضي أن يضم إليه غيره.
- ليس  لوصي الأم أن  يتصرف  في شيء  مما  ورثه الصغير من تركة غير تركة أمه.
- ليس للوصي أن يبرئ غريم الميت من الديّن ولا أن  يحط منه شيئاً إلا بإذن القاضي.
- للوصي أن يصالح عن ديّن الميت وديّن اليتيم إذا لم يكن لهما بيّنة وكان الغريم منكراً ويشترط في ذلك موافقة القاضي.
- للوصي ان يصالح عن الحق المدعى  به على الميت  أو اليتيم إذا كان هذا الحق ثابتاً بصك رسمي أو بحكم قضائي.
- لا  يصح  إقرار الوصي  بديّن  أو  عين  او  وصية  على  الميت.
- إذا قضى الوصي  ديّناً على الميت بلا  بيّنة مستفادة من صك رسمي وبلا قضاء القاضي أو بلا تصديق الورثة الكبار فيما يتعلق بحصتهم فعليه الضمان.
- متى كبر الصغير فله محاسبة الوصي والوصي مجبر على التفصيل وعليه  البيّنة إذ لم تكن النفقة قد أذن بها القاضي أو حاسب بها الوصي.
- إذا مات الوصي  مجهلاً  مال الموصى عليه فالضمان  في تركته ويستوفى عيّناً إذا وجد  فيها  ديّناً ممتازاً  إذا كان  مستهلكها وذلك قبل توزيع التركة.
- على الوصي أن يسلم للموصى عليه ماله تحت إشراف القاضي أو من ينيبه عنه.

مسوغات بيع الوصي المنقولات من أموال القاصر.. على الميت دين لا يمكن إيفاؤه إلا من ثمن العقار وفي التركة وصية مرسلة (مطلقة) ولا عروض فيها

- ليس للوصي بيع غير المنقولات من أموال القاصر إلا بمسوّغ من المسوّغات الشرعية الآتية:
1- أن يكون في بيع العقار خير للقاصر بأن يباع بأكثر من بدل مثله.
2- أن يكون على الميت دين لا يمكن إيفاؤه  إلا من  ثمن العقار.
3- أن  يكون في التركة وصية مرسلة (مطلقة) ولا عروض فيها ولا نقد  لنفاذها منها  فيباع من العقار بقدر ما يلزم لتنفيذ الوصية.
4- أن يكون القاصر بحاجة للنفقة وليس له نقود  أو عروض.
5- أن تكون نفقاته وما يترتب عليه من أموال أميرية يزيد على غلاته.
6- أن  يكون العقار آيلاً إلى الخراب ولم  يكن  للقاصر نقود تمكنه من الترميم.

حالات تصرف الوصي في قانون الأحوال الشخصية الدرزي.. تجهيز الميت. المطالبة بالديون. قبول الهبة ورد العارية والودائع الثابتة وبيع ما يخشى تلفه من المحصولات

- إذا أقام الميت وصيين أو اختارهما القاضي فلا يجوز لأحدهما أن ينفرد في التصرف إلا في الأحوال الآتية:
1. تجهيز الميت.
2. الخصومة عن الصغير.
3. المطالبة بالديون لا قبضها.
4. قضاء ما عليه من ديون ثابتة بحكم او بسند رسمي.
5. تنفيذ وصية معينة لفقير معين.
6. شراء ما لا بد منه للصغير من حاجيات.
7. قبول الهبة.
8. رد العارية والودائع الثابتة.
9. رد ما اغتصبه الميت بعد الحكم بالغصب.
10. بيع ما يخشى تلفه من المحصولات.

الوصاية في قانون الأحوال الشخصية الدرزي بإسرائيل.. وصي مختار يعيّنه الموصي حال حياته ووصي منصوب يعيّنه القاضي

- الوصي هو الشخص الذي  أقامه غير مقامه  ليتصرف في تركته بعد وفاته أو أقامه القاضي إذا كانت هناك  داعية إليه. فالوصي نوعان: وصي مختار يعيّنه الموصي حال  حياته، ووصي منصوب يعيّنه القاضي.
- من  أوصي إليه  فقبل الوصاية في حياة الموصي لزمته  وليس له الخروج عنها بعد موت الموصي إلا لأسباب موجبة يقرّها القاضي.
- من أوصي إليه بغير علمه فله الخيار بعد موت الموصي إن  شاء قبل الوصاية وإن شاء ردها وعليه في حالة الرد أن يعلم القاضي بذلك.
- تجوز الوصاية  الى الزوجة والأم  وغيرهما من النساء وإلى أحد الورثة أو غيرهم. ويجوز جعل الأم أو غيرها مشرفة مع  وجود الصبي.
- يشترط  في الوصي المختار أن  يكون قد  أتم الثامنة عشرة  وفي الوصي المنصوب ان يكون  قد  أتم الحادية  والعشرين من عمره، ويشترط  في الوصي المختار  كما يشترط  في الوصي المنصوب أن يكون عدلا أمينا ً حسن التصرف حائزاً جميع  الحقوق  المدنية .
- إذا لم يكن الوصي المختار حائزاً  الأوصاف المذكورة  في المادة السابقة فللقاضي أن يعزله ويستبدله.
- ليس للقاضي عزل الوصي المختار إذا كان عدلا قادراً على القيام بالوصاية وإن كان عاجزاً يضم إليه غيره أو يستبدله وإن قدر بعد ذلك يعيده وصياً.
 - للقاضي عزل الوصي متى تثبت لديه خيانته.
- يعتبر قاصراً من لم يتم الثامنة عشرة من عمره ذكراً كان أم أنثى ويُنصب عليه وصي إن لم يكن  له ولي أو  وصي مختار.
- متى  بلغ  القاصر  سن المذكورة في المادة  السابقة  ترتفع  عنه الوصاية حكما وتسلم إليه أمواله.
- لا تبرأ ذمة  الوصي بتسليمه إلى القاصر أمواله إذا  بلغ  وكان مجنونا ً أو معتوهاً أو ذا غفلة  أو ذا سفه. ولا يصح  التسليم في مثل هذه الأحوال إلا للوصي الذي ينصبه القاضي.

الولاية في قانون الأحوال الشخصية الدرزي بإسرائيل.. للأب ولو مستور الحال الولاية على أولاده الصغار والكبار غير المكلفين ذكورا ً وإناثاً في النفس وفي المال

- للأب ولو مستور الحال الولاية على أولاده الصغار والكبار غير المكلفين ذكورا ً وإناثاً  في النفس وفي المال ولو كان الصغر في حضانة الأم وأقاربهم.
- إذا بلغ الولد معتوهاً أو مجنوناً تستمر ولاية  أبيه عليه في النفس وفي المال وإذا بلغ عاقلاً ثم عته أو جن عادت عليه ولاية أبيه بحكم القاضي.
- إذا كان الأب عدلاً محمود السيرة أو مستور الحال أميناً على حفظ المال فله التصرف والتجارة بالمعروف من مال الصغير .
- إذا  باع الأب الحائز الأوصاف المذكورة  في المادة  السابقة  شيئاً من أموال ولده المنقولة أو غير المنقولة أو اشترى له شيئاً أو أجرّ شيئاً من ماله بغين فاحش أقام القاضي وصياً لطلب إبطال عقد البيع أو الإيجار ولا يتوقف الإبطال على الإجازة بعد البلوغ . وإذا أدرك الولد قبل انقضاء مدة الإجارة الصحيحة فليس له نقضها . أما عقد الشراء فينفذ على الولي لا على ولده.
- إذا كان الأب فاسد الرأي سيء  التدبير أو  محكوماً جزائياً بعقوبة تمنعه لمدة طويلة من القيام  بأعباء الولاية  فلا يجوز له بيع  مال الصغير وغن كان فيه أنفعية للصغير إلا بإذن من القاضي.
- إذا كان الأب مبذراً متلفاً مال ولده غير أمين على حفظه فللقاضي أن ينصب وصياً وينزع المال من يد أبيه ويسلمه الى الوصي ليحفظه.
- لا يجوز للأب شراء مال ولده لنفسه ولا  بيع ماله لولده ولا رهن ماله من ولده أو ارتهان مال ولده من نفسه ولا إقراض مال  ولده أو اقتراضه  إلا أن  يأذن القاضي بذلك ويقيم  وصياً لإجراء العقد ولا يجوز للأب  في مطلق الأحوال هبة  شيء من أموال الصغير ولو بعوض.

النفقة الواجبة للأبناء على الآباء عند دروز إسرائيل.. على الأب لولده الصغير الفقير سواء أكان ذكراً أم أنثى إلى أن يبلغ الذكر حد الكسب ويقدر عليه وتتزوج الأنثى

- تجب النفقة بأنواعها الثلاثة على الأب لولده  الصغير الفقير سواء أكان ذكراً أم  أنثى إلى أن يبلغ الذكر حد الكسب ويقدر عليه وتتزوج الأنثى.
- تُجّبَ على  الأب نفقة ولده الكبير الفقير العاجز عن الكسب  لعاهة تمنعه عن الكسب ونفقة الأنثى الكبيرة الفقيرة ما لم تتزوج .
- لا يشارك الأب في نفقة ولده ما لم يكن معسراً عاجزاً عن الكسب فيلحق بالميت وتسقط عنه النفقة وتُجّبَ عندئذ على ما تُجّبَ عليه نفقة الإبن في حالة عدم وجود الأب.
- يتوجب على الأم قبل سائر الأقارب الإنفاق على ولدها حال عسر أبيه وإن كن الأبوان معسرين ولهما أولاد يستحقون النفقة يؤمر بها الأقرب إن كان موسراً ويجبر عليها ويكون إنفاق القريب ديناً على الأب المعسر ويرجع به إذا أيسر سواء أكان المنفق أماً أو جداً أم غيرهما.
- إذا كان أبو الصغير الفقير معد وله أقارب موسرون من أصوله فإن كان  بعضهم  وارثاً له  وبعضهم غير وارث  وتساووا في القربى والجزئية يرجح الوارث وتلزمه  نفقة الصغير فإن لم  يتساووا في القربى والجزئية  يعتبر الأقرب  جزئية  ويلزم  بالنفقة وإن  كان أصوله وارثين فنقته عليهم بقدر استحقاقهم بالإرث.
 - إذا كان أقارب الطفل الفقير المعدم أبوه  بعضهم أصولا  وبعضهم حواشي  فغن  كان أحد الصنفين  وارثاً والآخر غير وارث  يعتبر الأصل لا  الحاشية  ويلزم  بالنفقة  سواء  أكان  هو الوارث  أم لا فإن كان كل من الأصول  والحواشي  وارثا ً يعتبر الإرث  وتُجّبَ عليهم النفقة على قدر أنصابهم في الإرث.
- إذا كان الأب غائباً وله أولاد ممن تجّبَ نفقتهم عليه وله مال عندهم أو مال مودع عند أحد أو ديّن عليه  وكان المال منقولاً فللقاضي أن يحكم بالاتفاق عليهم منه أما إذا كان مال الغائب عقاراً فلا يباع منه شيء للنفقة بل يؤذن بالاستدانة عليه لنفقة الأولاد.
- لا يُجّبَ على الأب  نفقة  زوجة ابنه الصغير الفقير إلا إذا  ضمنها وإنما يؤمر بالإنفاق عليها ويكون ديّناً  له يرجع به على ابنه إذا أيسر.

حضانة الأبناء عند دروز إسرائيل.. الأم أحق بحضانة الولد وتربيته حال قيام الزوجية وبعد الفرقة إذا اجتمعت فيها الأهلية المطلوبة

- الأم أحق بحضانة الولد وتربيته حال قيام الزوجية وبعد الفرقة إذا اجتمعت فيها الأهلية المطلوبة.
- يشترط في الحاضنة  أن تكون بالغة عاقلة  أمينة  صحيحة الجسم قادرة على تربية الولد وصيانته وأن لا تكون متزوجة بغير محرم للصغير ولا فريق في ذلك بين الأم وغيرها من الحاضنات.
 - إذا تزوجت الحاضنة أماً كانت أم غير أم بزوج غير محرم للصغير سقط حقها في الحضانة وانتقل إلى من يليها في الاستحقاق من الحاضنات فإن لم توجد مستحقة أهلاً للحضانة فلولي الصغير أخذه ومتى زال المانع يعود حق الحضانة للحاضنة المستحقة .
- حق الحضانة يستفاد من قبل الأم فيعتبر الأقرب فالأقرب من جهتها ويقدم المدلي بالأم على المدلي بالأب عند إتحاد المرتبة قرباً . فإذا ماتت الأم أو تزوجت  بقريب أو لم  تكن أهلاً للحضانة ينتقل حقها الى أمها فإن لم تكن او كانت ليست أهلاً للحضانة تنتقل الى أم الأب وإن عند عدم أهلية القربى ثم لأخوات الصغير وتقدم الأخت الشقيقة ثم الأخت لأم ثم الأخت لأب  ثم لبنات الأخوات بتقديم بنت الأخت لأبوين ثم لأم ، ثم لخالات الصغير وتقدم الخالات لأبوين ثم الخالة لأم ثم لأب  ثم لبنت الأخت لأب  ثم  لبنات الأخ  كذلك ثم  لعمات الصغير بتقديم العمة لأبوين ثم لأم ثم لأب ثم خالات الأم ثم خالات الأب ثم عمات الأمهات والآباء بهذا الترتيب.
- إذا فقدت المحارم من النساء أو وجدت ولم تكن أهلاً للحضانة تنتقل للعصبات بترتيب الإرث فيقدم الأب ثم الجد ثم الأخ الشقيق ثم الأخ لأب ثم بنو الأخ الشقيق ثم بنو الأخ لأب ثم العم الشقيق ثم العم لأب فإذا تساوى المستحقون للحضانة في درجة  واحدة يقدم أصلحهم ثم أكبرهم سناً.
- إذا لم توجد عصبة مستحقة الحضانة أو وجد  من ليس أهلاً لها فلا تسلم اليه المحضونة بل تدفع  لذي رحم  محرم ويقدم الجد لأم  ثم الأخ لأم ثم  ابنه  ثم العم لأم  ثم الخال لأبوين  ثم  الخال لأب  ثم الخال لأم ولا حق لبنات العم والعمة  والخال والخالة  في حضانة الذكور ولهن الحق في حضانة  الإناث  ولا حق  لبني العم والعمة والخال والخالة في حضانة الإناث وإنما لهم حضانة الذكور فإن لم يكن للأنثى المحضونة إلا ابن عم كان للقاضي أن يوليه حضانتها إن رآه صالحاً وإلا سلمها لإمرأة ثقة أمينة.
- أجرة الحضانة غير بدل النفقة وكلها تلزم الأب إن لم يكن للصغير مال فإن كان له مال فلا يلزم أباه منها شيء إلا أن يتبرع.
- إذا كانت أم الطفل هي الحاضنة له وكانت مطلقة أو متزوجة بمحرم للصغير أو  معتدة  له فلها الأجرة  وإن لم  يكن  للحاضنة  مسكن تمسك فيه الصغير الفقير فعلى أبيه سكناهما وإن احتاج المحضون الى خادم وكان أبوه موسراً يُلزم به  وغير الأم من الحاضنات لها الأجرة.
- إذا أبت أم الولد ذكرا كان أم أنثى حضانته مجاناً ولم يكن له  مال وكان أبوه معسراً ولم توجد متبرعة من محارمه  تجبر الأم على حضانته وتكون أجرتها ديّناً على أبيه ولها أن تستدين بإذن القاضي إذا كانت معسرة.
- إذا وجدت  متبرعة أهل  للحضانة  من محارم الطفل  وكان الأب موسراً ولا مال للصغير فالأم وإن طلبت أجرة  أحق من المتبرعة أما إذا كان الأب معسراً وللصبي مال او لا مال له تُخير الأم  بين إمساكه  مجاناً   ودفعه  للمتبرعة  فإن  لم   تخيّر  إمساكه مجاناً يُنزع منها ويسلم للمتبرعة  وللأم  رؤية  الولد  وتعهده  وإذا  كان الأب موسراً وللصبي مال وكانت المتبرعة غريبة فل ا يدفع  إليها الصبي بل يسلم لأمه بأجرة المثل ولو من مال الصغير.
- تنتهي مدة حضانة الصبي عند إتمامه  السنة  السابعة من العمر وتنتهي مدة حضانة  الصبية عند إتمامها السنة  التاسعة . ويجبر الأب على أخذ الولد . فإذا لم يكن للولد أب  أو جد  يدفع  للأقرب من العصبة إذا كان صبياً ، أما الصبية فلا تسلم لغير محرم ، فإن لم يكن عصبة يترك المحضون عند الحاضنة إلا إذا رأى القاضي غيرها أوّلى له منها.
- يمنع  الأب  من  إخراج  الولد من  بلد أمه بلا رضاه ا ما دامت حضانتها فإن أخذ المطلق ولده منها  لتزوجها بغريب ولم يكن  له حاضن غيرها جاز له أن  يسافر به على أن يعود حق أمه  أو من يقوم مقامها في الحضانة.
- ليس للأم المطلقة أن تسافر بالولد الحاضنة  له من بلد أبيه إلى بلد بعيد بغير إذن أبيه وليس لغير الأم  من الحاضنات  بأي حال  نقل الولد من  محل  حضانته  إلا بإذن  أبيه  أو  إذن  القاضي  إذا  لم يكن له أب.