Curriculum .. Action plan that includes goals and objectives and the objectives and content and educational activities, teaching aids and tools, and methods of teaching and learning and assessment methods

Planning to work more pedagogical and breadth of the curriculum. It includes not only the decisions of the materials, but also the goals of education and teaching and learning activities, as well as how they will assess the teaching and learning (D'Hainaut, L.198). The curriculum is set by the following aspects: (1) Planning for teaching and learning process, including objectives, content, activities and means of the calendar. (2) an overall concept is not only the content of the subject, but rather stems from the goals and activities to identify ways and means. (3) build a logical content elements,

Aldisdaktica the concept and forms of communication and the difficulties faced by the teacher in creating an effective continuing education

Thread: looking forward learners to develop the process of communication within their departments, but they face for that, great difficulties, preventing the achievement of their aspirations, some educators due to the reasons for this:
- Subjective factors, on attitudes of teachers themselves, and the nature of their roles during the communication processes
- Objective factors, status-related teaching aids for the classroom environment.

Theories of learning school .. Model Carol Carol (model time), and the model of Blum (educational pattern without errors)

Here we present two models of the theories that a Stglet on school learning, which are model Carol Carol ( Form the time), and the model of Blum (educational pattern without errors ) :
· Nodj CARROLL: He sees that learning is linked to two types of fundamental factors :
Subjective factors: relating to the autonomy of the individual learner, where it enters the learning experience, which is equipped with the capabilities and readiness and variety of experience, and these factors are summarized in Capacity: the amount needed by the learner of time to learn something in

Learning theory Aljhtaltah .. Principles of learning theory and Aljhtaltah

Appeared at the hands of school Aljhtaltah Freetmr Max, Kurt, and Wulff Kovka Jalj Koehler these scientists rejected the Founders came by the school of mechanical relational ideas about the human soul. Substituting Aljhtaltah school and they replace mechanical relational school, and have made ​​their topics: the psychology of thinking and the problems of knowledge ...

Concepts Aljhtaltah


The role of the mental capacity to increase the level of the educational system

We have characterized the educational system in the last decades of the twentieth century, in many countries of the world, bet on education characterized by quality; where he focused attention on the development potential of learners and their abilities of mind as best as possible, after that make sure that the wealth of human importance in the development and progress of society; as being the most important resource development at all. 
This great interest in the human mind and its potential and methods of growth and development, highlights for us without a doubt, the features of the educational system characteristic of

Philosophy of society and culture, Philosophy & Culture of Society. Curriculum experts Curriculum Experts

Philosophy of society and culture   Philosophy & Amp; Culture of Society
Group beliefs and values, customs and traditions and customs prevailing in the community, as well as political and economic systems and social applied by the community.
Curriculum experts Curriculum Experts
Specialists in the field of curriculum, it is assumed to be a high degree of knowledge and ability on the application,    And participate in curriculum planning,

Planned curriculum Curriculum Plan. Curriculum design Curriculum Design. Scope and sequence matrix Scope & Sequence

Planned approach   Curriculum Plan
Diagram between the public image and the overall approach, which reflects the initial vision or field experts, curriculum, and illustrates the extent possible, the basic components of the curriculum and all vertical and horizontal interactions among them, and the relationship of each general objectives of the curriculum.
Curriculum design Curriculum Design
Development of the overall picture of the curriculum,

Curriculum Curriculum. Functional curriculum Curriculum Functionalism. Global curriculum Curriculum Internationalization

Curriculum Curriculum
A variety of experiences that are formed and made ​​available opportunities for the learner to pass, and includes the processes of education, which show results in learning learners, and is done through a school or other educational institutions, provided this experience to be the logical, viable and make a difference.
Functional approach   Curriculum Functionalism
The possibility of applying what is in the curriculum of the knowledge,

Workout curriculum Curriculum Experimentation. Calendar Curriculum Curriculum Evaluation. Curriculum Development Curriculum Development

Testing approach   Curriculum Experimentation
Means testing curriculum before being circulated in a limited number of schools and classrooms, to ensure the validity of the curriculum developer, and make the necessary adjustments revealed by field experience, and involving the parties    The educational process of curriculum expert, and a router and a teacher, and student and parent, in order to reach the appropriate picture of the curriculum.
Calendar Curriculum Evaluation methodology

Creativity Creativity. Test Test Examination. Achievement test Achievement Test. Teaching methods Teaching Techniques.

Creativity  Creativity
Is a combination of abilities and personal characteristics and preparations which, if found in an appropriate educational environment, it makes the learner more sensitive to problems, and more flexibility in thinking, and make the products of his thinking and heavier compared with the authenticity of personal experience or expertise of his peers.
Test Test Examination

Inference Inference. Induction Induction. Survey Investigation. Conclusion Deduction

Inferred   Inference
Is a process designed to bring the learner to certain conclusions on the basis of the evidence and finding the appropriate resources, as it connects the learner observations and information available about the phenomenon of what his input about the former, then issue the rule interprets this information or circulated.
Induction   Induction
Is the process of analytical is going out of the Special General or

Final Exam Final Examination. Curriculum design (Curriculum Design). Learning Learning

Final examination   Final Examination
Is the test prepared by the teacher or group of teachers after the completion of the curriculum content, and often in the form of essay questions or objective or comprehensive tasks for all levels of goals.
Curriculum design   (Curriculum Design )
Develop a framework for intellectual approach to organize all of its elements and its components (objectives, content, methods and media, activities,

Discovery learning Learning by discovery. Cooperative Learning Cooperative Learning. Self-learning Self - Learning

Discovery learning Learning by discovery
Learning is the learner who exhibits the behavior of the world, uses his knowledge and his abilities and his capabilities in the processes of analytical process and the mentality to gain access to new results.
Cooperative learning Cooperative Learning
It is to learn is the involvement of a small group of students together in the implementation of the work, or educational activity, or solve a problem on the table,

Learning tribal Former Learning. Education Instruction. Educational techniques Education Technology

Tribal learning   Former Learning
Is the scientific knowledge acquired by the learner's educational experience as a result of passing a precedent, and is the basis for new learning.
Education   Instruction
Is intended for the systematic design experience (experience) that help the learner to accomplish the desired change in performance, and is generally a learning management led by the teacher.

Calendar Evaluation. Performance Evaluation Performance Evaluation. Calendar structural or formative Constructive Evaluation

Calendar Evaluation
Is a procedure designed to determine the progress of student learning, and the extent to which the level of quality in their performance, according to specific criteria, and which can determine the levels of students, and analyzing their mistakes, and in the light can be directed to activities that are appropriate to their level, so it's a process diagnostic, therapeutic, and preventive.
Performance Evaluation Performance Evaluation

Calendar Diagnostic Diagnostic Evaluation. Calendar Final Summative Evaluation. Calendar tribal Formative Evaluation. Continuous assessment Continuous Evaluation

Calendar diagnostic   Diagnostic Evaluation
This is the calendar that aims to identify the causes of academic problems experienced by learners and that hinder their academic.
Final Calendar Summative Evaluation
This is the calendar that cares to reveal the final outcome of the knowledge, skills, values ​​and habits that are supposed to get a result of the learning process.

Calendar Curriculum Curriculum Evaluation. Evaluation (Assessment). Horizontal regulation Horizontal Organization

Evaluation methodology   Curriculum Evaluation
Set of operations carried out by people who specialize in collecting data that will enable them to decide whether they would accept the curriculum or change society or change, or is developed, based on the extent to achieve the objectives assigned to it.
Rating (Assessment )
Is the process of data collection or information about the learner in

The vertical organization Vertical Organisation. Regulate the content of the curriculum Curriculum Planning. Bag educational Learning Ki

Vertical organization    Vertical Organisation
Is the organization from top to bottom or from above to below, and be in one subject and within, any order subjects according to certain principles, so that these issues are interrelated and scalable and useful to learn first is to learn later.
The organization of the curriculum content   Curriculum Planning
Is presented to the learner a certain way, so to learn leads to faster and easier,

Maps scope and sequence Scope and Sequence Maps. Concept Maps Concept Maps

Maps scope and sequence Scope and Sequence Maps  
A table showing the flow of the main concepts and ideas contained in the content of the curriculum horizontally and vertically among all public education, to reflect the vertical and horizontal integration between subjects subject.
Concept Maps   Concept Maps
Is a form of planning concepts linked to each other by lines or arrows called to write the words to link words to clarify the relationship between the concept and another.
It is a hierarchical structure, sequence, clarifying the concepts of the more general and comprehensive at the top of the map, the more specific concepts at the base of the map,
This is done in the form of Tafraah refers to the level of differentiation between the concepts, ie the extent to which concepts the more specific concepts, more general, and represent relations between concepts by words or phrases arrived write the lines that connect between any two concepts, and can be used as tools methodology and educational addition to its use as a for the calendar.

Transparency Transparency. Teaching methods Teaching Methods. Measurement Measurement

Transparency Transparency
Transparent plastic plate to allow the passage of light through it, and be prepared to write or draw directly and then view your projector.
Teaching Methods teaching methods
Defined as the general procedures that the teacher in the position of a particular educational.
Method offers the process:

Content Content. Project Project. Concept Concepts

Content Content
Is a compendium of facts, concepts, principles and theories in the field of knowledge, such as: (physics, chemistry, and mathematics), or in the knowledge domain is structured, (such as environmental education, and family education), and ways to address this information, and that content must be appointed by the learner in understanding the knowledge and discovered himself.
Project Project

File achievement Portfolio Achievement. Curriculum (Curriculum). Skill Skill

File achievement  Portfolio Achievement
This is a file that is saved when the performance models of the learner in order to highlight its work and achievements that indicate the growth of natural and social, psychological and academic skills and creative and cultural heritage.
Approach   (Curriculum )
Group educational experiences offered by the school for

Learning Skills Learning Strategies / Skills. Activity Alatheraúa Enrichment Activity

Learning skills   Learning Strategies / Skills
Set of skills required by the process of learning, acquired by the learner and grow its growth in a gradual and orderly, and include thinking skills, problem solving, communication, and mathematical skills and process.
Activity Alatheraúa   Enrichment Activity
Work carried out by students who have mastered the rule book, and allow their capacity and potential to Baissalhm high performance levels of up to innovation and creativity at times.

The main activity of Essential Activity. Activity introductory Warming-up Acivity. Promotional activity Supplementary Activity

Main activity   Essential Activity
Is the work carried out by all students, the aim of building basic scientific knowledge in the subject.
Activity introductory Warming-up Acivity
Is the work carried out by students to reach a state of mind enables them to receive the new learning, and may be learning activity relates to a previous paving the way for new learning, or active exploration leads to new learning.
Promotional activity Supplementary Activity

Therapeutic activity Remedial Activity. Learning outcomes Learning Outcomes. The overall goal (Goal)

Therapeutic activity Remedial Activity
Is the work carried out by students who have learning difficulties, this work would contribute to address and overcome these difficulties, and takes the form of re-teaching are more suited to this category of students, with the need to carry out such activities under the supervision of a teacher and guidance.
Learning outcomes Learning Outcomes
Are statements describing the expected performances of the learner after studying specific topics.

The curriculum document (Curriculum Document). Means of self-learning Self-Learning Tools

Close approach   (Curriculum Document )
Written plan underlying the approach to be designed (constructed), or development, and constitute the plan provides a general framework includes the foundations of the curriculum and supporting infrastructure and the reasons for its construction or development, also includes elements of the curriculum and standards of each, and standards implementation, and evaluation and specifications of vessels methodology and educational materials from the books (student and teacher) activities, books,

Educational learning tools Teaching Tools. Enrichment activities. Promotional activities

Teaching means teaching-learning Tools
Is a set of tools and materials and equipment used by the teacher or learner to transfer content knowledge or access to it inside or outside the classroom in order to convey meanings and to clarify ideas and improve teaching and learning processes.
Enrichment activities  
Practical activities are directed for outstanding students to

Remedial activities. Behavioral goal. Curriculum. Creativity or innovation

Therapeutic activities
Are the activities applied for the treatment of weaknesses and deficiencies in some students
Objective behavioral
Which is expected to get him a student of knowledge or skill at the end of a particular lesson or unit of study
All courses and experiences, activities and facilities offered by

Excellence. Strategic planning. Plan. Procedures

Ability or skill and knowledge developed in the field of one or more of the fields of human activity the academic, technical, creativity and social relationships, and excellence synonymous with excellence and experience is linked to lack of a few individuals.
Strategic Planning
Is a process that envisions the organization its future means you

The target year. Project. Educational indicators. Educational outcomes

Target year
Is the final year of the plan period which will hopefully achieve the specific objectives of the plan at the end of
A set of processes and activities that lead to achieving a specific goal .
Educational indicators
Are tools for measurement and diagnosis of an idea or

Waste in education. Production quantity. Quantitative dimension. Qualitative dimension

Wastage in education
Group lose the educational system as a result of failure or leakage and the effects of waste on the environment and a clear educational, social and economic
Production quantity
Number of students successful in the past year
Quantitative dimension

Intelligences and learning styles of learners in educational methods and diagnosis of learning for practitioners educators

One of the benefits of important scientific theory of multiple intelligences, in practice teaching, she was diagnosed for practitioners educators teaching methods, learning, which learns by each learner, according to the type of intelligence dominant him, with the following offer to the methods of the learning of each student is characterized by brand of a particular of intelligence. 
A IQ of language is characterized by the learner who has this type of intelligence, competence hearing, it is a quick save to hear, and what is required to memorize it,

Ways to deal with the learner in adolescence

I would like to stress here that the friendship which is granted to students from parents will solve a lot of psychological problems, and here comes the role of parents who understands the problems of their children and get them used to the openness and honesty and identification of right and wrong and what they have towards themselves and towards others and their home countries.
And give them the freedom to think, debate and dialogue and to move away from repression and to understand their evolution in time and society. 

When entering the world of the future and mastering the language of the age?

It's what computers in addition to foreign language:
The two most important were two ways to enter the world of the future with confidence and absorb the language of the times and deal with it was narrated by the computer associated with a network of global communications, we can obtain any piece of information we need from all parts of the world upon his arrival to the network and these connections are being very English by 70% I can see the education of these articles in all phases of the study in the near future. 

The art of time management or relationship always creative

We all know that the children of the developed world, attending five days a week and we Ndaom seven days a week.
The world's children receive lessons in school and they are not recitations in school assignments to take home and our children have their concerns to the house lunch and then a little rest and then work or even sleep all the time. 
I wonder where is the time to give him his creativity for the student to know that there are activities for creative but at the expense of these activities any time of the study that this creative student will make extra effort to perform its functions and lessons in addition to creative activity. 

Role of the family in the upbringing of the learner and the guidance and sponsorship

The cooperative relationship that exists between the family and the school will have a major role in guiding the student and sponsorship. A student who delayed for lessons for private or family or general environmental, health, leaves us with the real problem here and should be close cooperation between the school and family to help solve that problem and correct the course of the student. 
The visit of the parents of the school and check on construction and must be n The signing of the fathers to the books and Mmakrat their children is very important in order to

The concept of problem-solving environment .. Focus on the learner's awareness of the environment

Is a way of learning to study and problem-solving environment with an emphasis on awareness of the learner's environment, understanding and respect and conservation, and the growth of skills in problem solving and gain values ​​and environmental trends and the method mainly on the learner himself, under the guidance of the teacher in the planning and implementation of the following skills:
Sense of environmental problem and identified.
  Collection of data and information related to the problem of environmental analysis.

Environmental education and school activities and the active participation of the teacher

Holds school activities a privileged position of the curriculum in a broad sense, and looking at the school curriculum as a system of comprehensive and integrated consists of many parties or elements, we can feel the importance of activity as one of these elements, and is intended activity "every effort undertaken by the learner participants by his peers under the guidance and counseling teacher ", and then the activity can be done in the field of environmental education is that:
1 - depends on the scientific material, including textbooks.

Criteria for the selection of school activities Environmental .. The role of a teacher of environmental education

1 - important. 2 - a sense of gravity. 3 - proliferation.
4 - aesthetic sense. 5 - The future. 6 - the availability of data and information. 7 - the link phase of the overall goals of education and school curricula
Teacher of environmental education:
Within this system you need the classroom to change the totalitarian model in the vertical transfer of knowledge and replaced by a horizontal model in education,

Planning the activities of environmental education .. Study curriculum and criticism

Any effort by the teacher in the implementation of the school curriculum needs to be properly planned, and must be based on the study process and the proper mindset, so the teacher's demands, including the following:
1 - Study the curriculum, which is responsible for implementation during the school year, the study recognizes the critical analysis which included the environmental aspects.
2 - reaching a decision on what needs to study them and study tribal applied through specific activities.
3 - Determine the appropriate forms of activity.

Implementation of school activities and evaluating the environmental and resources that you need boiled

Implementation of environmental activities and their evaluation:
School environmental activities require several procedures to achieve objectives such as:
1 - the teacher an exploratory study of the field study to determine the location and potential hazards or problems.
2 - Inventory of all sources of information and data that will need to students in the implementation phase.
3 - to look at other sources different from the curriculum, and the need to use the efforts of colleagues.
4 - Identification of the human resources that may be used by students.

School calendar of environmental activities and the educational system and a link to the science curriculum to the environment

In the process of evaluating the environmental activities the school has been a poll groups of students through open-ended questions directed to them to express an opinion in the school system and a link to the science curriculum to the environment, and also posed questions to the science teachers concerning scientific activity the school and how it addresses the problems of the environment in which we live, and what role science teacher in the school environment and activated.
The responses of teachers and students to

Benefits of e-learning and appropriateness of various learning styles and multiple ways to assess the evolution of student

Goals Desired Of Education E Many And varied , It is That Benefits Moosa said And blessed ( 2005 M) That The most important Benefits EducationE Are:
1 - Increase Possibility Contact Between Students With Including , AndStudents And school.
2 - Easy Access To Teacher .
3 - Relevance Different Methods Education .
4 - Provides Curriculum Throughout Today In All Days Week .