Aldisdaktica the concept and forms of communication and the difficulties faced by the teacher in creating an effective continuing education

Thread: looking forward learners to develop the process of communication within their departments, but they face for that, great difficulties, preventing the achievement of their aspirations, some educators due to the reasons for this:
- Subjective factors, on attitudes of teachers themselves, and the nature of their roles during the communication processes
- Objective factors, status-related teaching aids for the classroom environment.
1 - Select the concept of communication Aldisdaktica, highlighting some of its forms.
2 - The nature of the difficulties faced by the teacher in creating a continuing education effective? And to what extent the educational influence in the act?
3 - mention of four factors: subjective and other objective analysts respective roles in improving the cost-effectiveness of the educational process, reinforced by the examples   From the reality of the section.
Introduction: The communication process of the educational process in the original, and it has been subject to a set of parameters that are subject of any other communication process. But this does not mean that some of the features make it the phenomenon of communication differ in some aspects of what can be seen in other areas. What is the nature of this communication, which made ​​up by some Aldisdaktica communion, and what are some of its forms? And how it affects the type of communication adopted in the education act? And how they contribute to the various components of the educational process subjective and objective improvement in cost-effective? Those are the questions that we will try to answer in the following analysis.
1 - Communicating Aldisdaktica is that communication which is through the educational process - learning, this process is based is predominantly on the pillars or essential components are embodied in the teacher and Almtmadrs and curriculum, and by virtue of that process of communication is a dynamic process and dialectic, the teacher and Almtmadrs alternate to play a regular sender and the future, interactively, and keep the curriculum for that component, which includes content (Mission) and the channel through which messages are exchanged. So be it communication Aldisdaktica Almikanezm through it, which is the interaction between the teacher and Almtdersan order to reach the goals determined before. This includes Almikanezm load any content knowledge is the sum of connotations and meanings, experiences and notifications that the parties would like a continuous delivery to the other, also includes a "pot" psychology is the sum of shipments and emotional attitudes, and sensations that accompany the message is sent and received. Interacts These Alugean and affect each other in some, the experience that would like the teacher transfer to students may be influenced by their access to them according to their position on it, and their attitudes towards the educational process and orientation to the material, as well as employee perceptions about the position of teacher of them and its relationship to emotional to them and vice versa.
Not limited communicate Aldisdaktica on knowledge but also includes areas other personal, if revolves on forming convictions and values ​​or formation skills and competencies autosomal. Remains the need to refer to the concept of communication requires the presence of feedback may be utilized to varying terms of function varies depending on the degree of awareness of its importance. Take advantage and play this important role in the correction process of communication and calendar Aauajjajh and avoid misunderstandings and interaction away from the dialogue of the deaf.
However, the communication Aldisdaktica is not one type, in addition to what has been referred to above from the diversity of its subject matter is communication (knowledge, values, skills), we note that this communication can be direct between the teacher and Almtmadrs (or group of pupils) without the need for mechanisms depends on the annotations and gestures and movements, or silence, and may be indirectly used by some devices pass through consignments.
The communication within the group, the class can be verbal or non-verbal, have been put forward in this section a range of research on the role of the teacher's body and how to communicate employed in education.
From another perspective we can distinguish between three models of communication Aldisdaktica, is to communicate the vertical prevailing in the traditional way, where the teacher often sending the student's future and the relationship between the relationship hierarchy of vertical reflect the perceptions held by each party from the other and stands of it and Adrakath site itself and the location of the other, Then there is effective communication based on the individual and that stands in the effective modalities based on the mechanism minded individual, where it is believed effective learner and the need to Temtaah ​​freedom of learning and the importance of self-motivation, and keep communication between teacher and pupil in the framework of a bilateral relationship mainly based on Altfredah from the belief in the importance of individual differences and the need to be taken into account in learning. While the third model is based on the group, and this is what prevailed in the effective modalities based on the mechanism of collective thinking, where is the learning process within the community group, and this requires a collective based on the continuity of dialogue and discussion and consultation. Do not monopolize the teacher's role in the last two models the sender, but shared with the students out of the conviction that the lesson of the partnership between the knows and the one who knows.
2 - not one of the teachers want to be is not communicating with his disciples, and should not be pursued by them positively to be essential: it is compelled inevitably that continues, because the relationship education is the relationship of communication inevitably, we can not imagine the lack of communication within the chapters. It would be wrong to talk sometimes about the lack of communication between the teacher and his disciples, because in fact, not the teacher can not continue. As is inevitable for the teacher to communicate, it also compelled to search for the best methods of communication so that his relationship with others within the group Chapter comfortable relationship and useful. The human Looking always - except in cases satisfactory - About feeling security and flees anxiety and tension and presence continue comfortably can achieve this feeling security.
But the dynamic nature of group separation, as well as the context in which it is a process of communication education, produce in many cases, a range of difficulties and obstacles that make this process process is convenient always, creating tensions grow gravity or less, according to the awareness of the teacher Alsacosiologi and its ability to recruit Nutrition feedback.
Among these difficulties that limit possibility create pedagogical continuity effectively, can mention inability teacher to disembark to level disciples, The type communicate prevailing in our schools is type communicate unequal. Valtlmiv no match for the teacher, and then communicate Fshatiihama Almertbtan not be identical. These and further away from each other Ahatian, the more difficulties and more dangerous, since it was imposed on the parties that the leaven of the spacing Hatiehma escape from falling into the dialogue of the deaf. The teacher is basically demands more work to achieve this.
This is not very easy. By the fact that the teacher lives Moatntin, it belongs to the world of adults and is condemned to live with the world of children, this paradox creates a problem of existential for him, it is uniting its children, it was the same as an adult and unable to carry children to more mature, and if it unites the world of adults have children He could not communicate with them, so put the responsibility of the teacher and the formidable tasks of great awareness.
In addition to this difficulty, it can be said is another obstacle that may prevent a pedagogical continuity effectively, the nature of the curriculum, Vachtmalh on targets far from the tendencies of students and the presence of the content of boring was not proportionate to the nature of the phase, developmental, and the rule of the method and methods based on the submission, all this can not be but   Hampers presence   Effective communication, and lead to more negative and the emergence of defensive mechanisms and methods of maneuvering on both sides of the teaching-learning process.
And play a potential material for the school is often a prominent role in impeding or facilitating the communication process of education, presence of educational methods and the nature of the infrastructure of the school, greatly facilitate the communication process of education, especially in the range of materials needed by the learning to the observation, diagnosis, and the nature Steering administrative and relationship fathers school, etc. pose from perceptions has their children towards teacher and school, least importance what indicated, In often notes that position pupil communicate Educational determined by task, from position parents educational process.
These difficulties, in addition to other obstacles, such as certain abnormal situations associated with physical disabilities and others, affect negatively - as we see that - on education as a process of communication media and emotional at the same time, this falls back on the course, the level of learning and achieve its objectives.
3 - affected by the cost-effectiveness of teaching-learning process a variety of factors, including what is associated with the same teacher, including what is objective, and in many cases, what is the self-interferes with what is objectively by the dialectical phenomena and the composition and interaction.
The most important factors in creating a self-continuing education effective, and cost-effectiveness and access to the target, is the existence of a positive attitude to the teacher of the learning process.This is key, and be such a situation is a necessary condition for the exercise and to improve profitability. The trend toward reduced instruction set of attitudes towards the educational components of the act, but is determined by all of us. The teacher can not be positive in his work, what his positions were not positive of the teaching process. Perhaps what is contained in notes of the cost of education. Due in large part to this crisis, he knows the direction of the profession and the teaching process because of various factors, and very natural that the teacher does not want a career in teaching, the effectiveness of the incomplete and negative due to lack of motivation has, which results in burning of myself more of a negative trend towards the same and about his career.This is noted in some sections where the electrified atmosphere prevails and dominates punishment, revenge and the search for a scapegoat and the recklessness and monotony. Which are all data can not achieve profitability envisaged, while chapters taught teachers enjoy a reasonable acceptability their profession, often lacking where such phenomena or less to degree be impact weak.
Associated with this position, two further factors, namely the love of the child and respect his character, and in the absence of these specific process can not communicate it done, which allows to improve profitability, so that the love of the child reflects the condition is emotional to continue, while the respect for his character basically means the ability to adapt our discourse according to abilities and potential, which embodies the requirement of knowledge of this communication, or content. The children in the classroom are very sensitive to these two conditions, so we note that a child who was receptive to Aesicar of school, often estranged from the content provided by the latter. Love gives a sense of security and confidence in self, first, the source of love again, and this trust is necessary to find a contact, produced cost-effectiveness is consistent with the objectives of the ruler, has become the studies psychology now more convinced of the overlap between what is emotional and what is knowledge, considering that the separation between them in the context of personal separation does not reflect the severity of
And play a potential teacher teaching aids role is not without importance in contributing to the continuing education successful, so that the composition of pedagogical and possession of Mikanezmat education are considered important in this area, it is not enough love the child and know the stage of developmental, but should also acquire techniques for communication education, the ability to disembark these shipments affective and theoretical to practice area. Education is no longer a verb now, with the development of pedagogical knowledge
And Humanities and means of communication, is no longer based on intuition and spontaneity, but work is set and became codified and planned, and this requires the teacher to be planned and denominated in the stimulus, and the separation is not an area   Teacher to express the feelings of love towards the child or to be familiar only with the knowledge, but also should be a master of techniques, including communication techniques, and the emotions that take shape through the achievement of the objectives of the tasks that are reflected in learning how to learn. In order to achieve the objectives of these tasks, to be engineered and organized, and this requires knowledge of configuration and renewal should always be by virtue of pedagogical knowledge are constantly evolving.
Among subjective factors for teachers that help improve profitability educational is ability teacher Find. This is becoming a necessity in modern education, it is no longer a teacher-consuming decisions and recommendations and instructions, but now he has to exercise educational research taking the separated area to monitor the phenomena and the development of hypotheses and testing them, which allows him the possibility of identifying the obstacles and to monitor the strengths, and to find methods of treatment of the problems and disincentives.
The introduction of some technologies or practices to modern section, whenever the potential that, and make some modifications in the methods of communication and techniques, can reduce the impact of monotony, which controls our classes, and these amendments should be preceded by research and monitoring capabilities and planning away from the slums, which often lead to the failure of experiments amendment and then despair, for example, is noted for many of the teachers being excited at the beginning of their graduation from the training centers of the principles of modern education and anti-recourse to punishment, but they soon give up their enthusiasm once they failed in the first experiments to the children of "hooligans" or "not serious", causing them to fall into the traditional and the use of punishment as a means of treatment, and prosper temporarily in the process of deterrence, believing that they have succeeded, and decay principles that carried them from the centers of their composition, but made ​​up for their convictions of their futility, overlook that their first experience was required self-term, what it was in a need to support the search process by asking about the factors and causes in the emergence of this phenomenon or that.
At the level of objective factors, it can be classified into material factors, human factors, social and pedagogical factors. If this systematic classification not supposed to miss the present overlap and interaction between those factors.
On the physical level, play the infrastructure of the institution and the potential separation, in terms of equipment and teaching aids play an important role in facilitating the communication process of education, thus improving the bitter worms are educational, that communication needs to channels and media for the transfer of the speech, and the more of these channels are good and rich, the more communication sound and successful. The nature of "eco" to create an atmosphere of psychological separation is characterized by comfortable, thereby reducing the impact of the cases or just a sense of melancholy and monotony.
For the human and social factors, including the phenomena intervened legislative and administrative and managerial aspects, as well as the relations of teacher the student and other interested groups such as the family and the Association of parents and guardians of pupils and others. These are all factors that play a role in enhancing the friendly due to education. They also help or hinder the teacher in creating a sound pedagogical continuity, as whenever the administration of the institution and the family Mtaaontin, the more encouraged to create effective communication between the parties concerned, and then continue to create an educational classroom.
And play data pedagogical objectives, programs and methods of formal methods of evaluation, a critical role in the process of communication and determine the nature of the bitter worms are educational, as when the objectives are clear, thoughtful, scientific, and the more programs in the level of learners and their needs and interests, and the more modalities aimed at not only the charge drain , but to develop personal learning and education, as well as the more meaningful evaluation methods to employ feedback, wherever there is sound pedagogical tools to continue to make positive educational, and then
Yield the improved constantly.
The data pedagogical play a major role in shaping the educational process and to determine methods and forms of communication in the classroom.
The subjective and objective factors to which we referred to the door but not limited to, which affect the cost of education, are the overlapping factors are difficult to separate them because of the educational process -   Learning   Dynamic process and dialectical Faculty simultaneously. And nature are what make this separation between the components and determinants chapter systematically only.