Curriculum .. Action plan that includes goals and objectives and the objectives and content and educational activities, teaching aids and tools, and methods of teaching and learning and assessment methods

Planning to work more pedagogical and breadth of the curriculum. It includes not only the decisions of the materials, but also the goals of education and teaching and learning activities, as well as how they will assess the teaching and learning (D'Hainaut, L.198). The curriculum is set by the following aspects: (1) Planning for teaching and learning process, including objectives, content, activities and means of the calendar. (2) an overall concept is not only the content of the subject, but rather stems from the goals and activities to identify ways and means. (3) build a logical content elements, in the form of units so that the control unit requires a control in the previous units. (4) organization for a variety of elements and components, so that it can achieve the desired objectives and goals of the act of teaching and learning.(Science Education series p 4-1990). It also reflects the term used in the French Platform for the current intentions or actions identified in advance in order to create the pedagogy of the future. It is, therefore,
Action plan that includes goals and objectives and the objectives and content and educational activities, and teaching aids CDDA tools, and methods of teaching and learning and assessment methods, it is also formulated a plan of action as a broader educational program includes Aktar mg of righteousness at the same time. In contrast to the literature educational France, tend literature in English of me define the curriculum, not first as something prior to work teaching, but especially as something lived already and de facto by the teacher and his students in the department, so is the curriculum analog of the biography of the department curriculum vita (the Dictionary of Science Education, 2001) .