U.S. satellites monitoring the armies advanced in 2016

Revealed the Pentagon that Washington finally began to publish the largest network of satellites that work with radar, in order to monitor large areas of the world militarily. It complements the work of this web space with the work of a similar monitoring by military radars mounted on aircraft «operating» AWACS and its mission is to track moving targets in the air, land and sea, and then send the information to command centers and combat units in the U.S. Army.
Continuous monitoring and orbits
In the context of deploying satellite network, signed a U.S. Air Force two decades the value of each of them $ 220 million, with two competing companies

Microscope - «Focus» controlled by cell phone and the Internet

When presented finally model Focus electricity through their participation in the Detroit Bank, provided Ford Modelha new technology «Mae Ford Mobile» My Ford Mobile, which allows can communicate and control, and even control the characteristics of the car through a smart phone or a secure website, as well as planning trips and monitor the status of Shipping the car, as well as receive warnings stating the end of the shipping process, and other advanced functions. 
Based on a set of studies, a decision by Ford «Mae Ford Mobile» part of the requirements of clients who have confirmed their need to connect with the

?Is poverty the cause of the Arab revolutions

Most common with the start of the revolution of Tunisia, that poverty is the cause of revolution, the Tunisians on the regime of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, then the frequency of such a state with the start of the revolution in Egypt, and went some analysts to say, poverty is the cause of revolutions in the region, were described such revolutions as « revolutions of the poor »in the face of the ruling regimes.
In general, based on the owners of such analysis and views to a number of facts and data that surround the majority of Arab countries and their peoples, and are already the poorest, ranging from levels between the thresholds related to their inability to secure basic food needs and daily necessities,
and the upper limit includes people who provide the minimum of food, but they are unable to provide the urgent necessities of the needs of clothing, housing and education, and who account for more than their predecessors with a third of the Arab countries.

Egypt's constitution referendum and the ghosts of «the mandate of the jurist»

Ended Egypt's referendum on constitutional amendments and voted in the vast majority of Egyptians yes to amend the Constitution by as much as 77 percent of the total participants in the referendum, but that what happened before and during the vote on the referendum picking the wound can not heal easily in the Egyptian national community that was divided into two groups Team, «Yes», ​​which included the Islamic trend Btnoieth of moderate Islamists and Salafis, and the team «No», which lined up when the rest of currents national movement-oriented Marxism, liberalism and nationalism combined with a broad sector of the youth revolution of January 25.
Vali_kalip the Great, which resulted from this division is problematic is twofold first

«Principles of Political Economy and Taxation» Ricardo: in anticipation of Marx

Since before the use of Karl Marx's thoughts together as the primary source of sources of economic thought as expressed, especially in his President «capital», a name associated with Adam Smith and Ricardo in one pot.However this was not thought these two key researchers in the «School of Economics Classical» English the same, but they were in the best of their situation, complementary. Perhaps it is right to say that while most likely theoretical to the thought of Adam Smith, in his book President «The Wealth of Nations» as the author, originally, a university professor and thinker, thinks the operationalization of the book, Ricardo President «Principles of Political Economy and Taxation»,

The challenge for Libya.. We are a big responsibility on us to prevent the success of the brutal repression perpetrated by the Gaddafi against his own people

Arab spring surprised the whole world. Many of the people in the West expected the emergence of a similar pattern of change in the various countries concerned. After three harrowing weeks of hesitation, it seems that our international community was ignorant of how to respond to Colonel Gaddafi's sudden attempt to turn the tide in his favor along the coast of Libya.
I have strongly opposed the invasion of Iraq and the ensuing political chaos and destruction appeared after the occurrence of this work is legal and who is not preparing him in the proper format.

New Arab Film: Love (yet) bread sometimes!

What movie scene is still controversial in the Arab region since the constant supply «January Bouazizi» to this day. In less than 3 months saw the Arabs in their homes, changes not seen for more than 30 years.
Arab Scene «Film» now crowded with all types of art VII: Action, Tragedy, Comedy, Fantasy, Science Fiction, «Bal» literary!
The difference is dramatic in the landscape: the comedy where getting worse tragedy (as in the Libyan case in particular).
In the past ... The tournament was launched in the Arab scene is always the

Strategic balance and resistance

Much has been written about «the conflict to Syria», especially since independence, which is dedicated to evacuate French territory in the mid-Forties of the last century.It linked the majority of what is written between this conflict and the stage of internal unrest and coups.
Perhaps the most important objectives of the «corrective movement», which by the late President Hafez al-Assad in 1970, is to break the link between this conflict and the domestic situation, ie, turning Syria into a playground for outside powers, international and regional, to the player on the regional level, the lowest estimate. It seemed to justify this movement,

Informatics partnership between Iraqi Airways and »SITA»

Iraqi Airways, the official carrier of Iraq and one of the oldest airlines in the Middle East, as witness the launch of new converts to its information technology company SITA Telecommunications and management of passenger and flight operations and services, linking data and tracking of luggage and bags.
With the adoption of solutions, SITA, Iraqi Airways will be able to enter the global market effectively pave the way for the expansion of its fleet, it is expected to soon receive a new 55 aircraft from Boeing and Bombardier.

Three new hotels from Marriott International in Doha

Announced that Marriott International and Renaissance Hotels Courtyard by Marriott and Marriott Executive Apartments Doha City Center, which is part of the draft status of the Doha City Center, opened the event will sync in the second quarter of this year.
Located three hotels in the West Bay area for the Qatar Financial Centre towers modern components of 48 layer, close to the area of ​​new business in Doha and 15 minutes from Doha International Airport, which enhance the vision of Doha to the future and the potential growth of the tourism sector in Qatar .

Emirates Holidays launches «World of Choice 2010 - 2011»

Launched «Emirates Holidays» arm «Emirates» programs overseas tourist and the largest organizer and marketer bulk of these programs in the Gulf region and the Middle East, its book, the annual «World of Choice 2010 - 2011», which offers programs in 130 destinations in 37 countries across the world. These range from programs of the adventure to cultural tours and expedition programs and honeymoon, cruises and more.
Booklet includes detailed programs this year to Prague, Amsterdam, Tokyo and Madrid after being shot «Emirates» Services daily non-stop to

«Dnata Travel» opens new center in Dubai Motor City

Was called to order «Dnata Travel» Finally, a new center for sales in the Motor City, near the Arabian Ranches in Dubai. The Office provides, which is managed by a team of cadres Dnata experienced a full range of travel products and services for individuals, including the possibility of obtaining the services of more than 100 international airlines, and programs Holidays by request, and an excellent range of tours reconnaissance and safaris and cruises, as well as insurance on travel and car rental service and hello to receive service and assistance at Dubai International Airport.
, "Said Majid Al Mulla, Vice President of the« Dnata Travel »:« We are confident that

Geneva ... Where the «rest» HNWI wealth in the shadow of Roabiaha green!

Here's a travel bag ready, and the driver waiting for me at the door of my house located in the neighborhood «Knzington» London, to take me to the airport «Heathrow». A distance of twenty kilometers from the airport which Tvsalni, was shared between the houses adorned with scenic sandstone and brick, red, gray, and green meadows and plains, which includes the perennial chestnut trees and some trees antique rice. And every now and then I consider the highest to the top, on the horizon Ftertzm swarms of aircraft landing and taking off from the airport «Heathrow» every minute ... 
The rhythm of the swish wheels travel bags, and signed the rapid pace of traveling,

Human Resources Management in Arab banks complain about the central and bureaucratic inertia and

A study by researchers from the Faculty of Suleiman Olayan Business School at American University in Beirut, on the management of human resources in the Arab banking sector, «differences in the departments of human resources between countries». And considered that «the best practices in Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, Jordan, UAE and Palestine». It considered that "the role of human resources managers in the banks of these countries are more strategic and visible».
And led the study, opioid Alostaztan ransoms and Charlotte Karam, aided by assistant researcher Hussein Al-Haj.

IMF calls into question Iraq's ability to achieve its objectives in oil production

 International Monetary Fund, questioned the ability of Iraq to achieve its ambitious targets to increase its oil production, in the absence of infrastructure has sufficient strength. And reduction in the form of slight, in a progress report on the loan granted to Baghdad in February (February) the past, estimates of oil production this year.
The Fund relies on the production of 2.75 million barrels per day this year, compared to 2.8 in one million expected in October (October) last year.

Find an alternative to the dilemma of the Libyan oil consuming countries

 is to stop pumping oil from wells Jamahiriya, the dilemma of the consuming countries that are looking for an alternative solution offset the loss of this source of high-quality light crude.
One month after the outbreak of the conflict between the rebels and the forces of the Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi, the world oil market finds itself deprived of the 1,3 million barrels of oil, Libya was issued before the crisis, mostly to Europe.
This amount represents about 1,5 percent of oil consumption in the world. It does not seem difficult to mathematically compensate for this loss,

China occupies second place in the number of scientific research

made China in the last ten years in the number of articles published in scientific journals and the World of sixth place between 1999 and 2003 (4.4 percent of the total) to second place (10.2 percent) between 2004 and 2008.She was abducted from Japan in second place and was directly behind the United States ranked first in the world. This was according to the «Royal Susaeite» (the National Academy of Sciences) British.
Has seen the majority of Western countries, which comes in the top ten usually, a decline in their publications,

High prices of diamonds enhances the investment value

Recent rise in the price of polished diamonds, accompanied by an increase similar in the price of raw stone since the middle of last year, to higher prices for diamond jewelry, despite the attempt to owners of retail stores to not burden the customers of this increase, reducing their profit margins, although she revived investment value of the precious stone .
The industry experts, that the high prices in recent months, concurrent with the decline of the repercussions of the global financial crisis, proves to customers that these stones have become a way a good investment.

Saudi Arabia to join the membership of the Organisation of Securities Commissions

Approved by the International Organization of Securities Commissions (memoranda) to join the Saudi Capital Market Authority to as a full member within the members of ordinary's 114, according to Prime the Board of the Saudi market, its chief executive Abdul Rahman Al-Tuwaijri, who considered that «the culmination of the achievements of the Commission, in recognition of reached the capacity of regulatory and supervisory and control on the Saudi financial market ».
It was announced that the Board of the Commission issued, in his quest to develop laws and

Most of the Arab family businesses do not continue to the next generation

Issues formed a «family business» and the challenges of governance and the possibility of converting these companies to joint stock companies or as institutions continue to familial and economic challenges faced by the most prominent address at a conference in Doha under the title «good governance in family businesses».
The Deputy President of the Chamber of Commerce, Mohammed bin Towar that the restructuring of family businesses and turning them into joint stock companies are managed by the expert professionals may be one of the solutions.

«Investment Bank of Iraq»: «Central» tarry in support of opportunities for banks

Download the Chairman of the «Investment Bank of Iraq» Thamer Sheikhli, the central bank, is responsible for granting non-Iraqi banks spaces required for the promotion of investment opportunities in the labor market.
He said in a statement to «life», that a change to the benefit of investment imposed by the night in the form of an accelerated, the cause of confusion in the investment, ask what the trend towards the labor market, which is suffering as a result of the exceptional situation in the country.

And economic point of view - the implications for global earthquake Japan

Is not the Japanese economy's third-largest economy in the world in terms of size alone, but also, at the global level, economy qualitative distinction. And highlights the superiority of Japanese globally in the areas most important industries of electronics and cars including the inputs of these industries, especially the Japan made one out of every eight cars produced by the world, and more than 16 percent of the chips for computers and means of communication and optical instruments, medical equipment and machinery.
And supports many of the industrialized countries and non-industrial, the Japanese products as inputs for their industries and services,

European proposals to support small enterprises in Africa and the Mediterranean countries

Displays today's European Union partners in the Mediterranean region and Africa set a «Charter of the work» to encourage small and medium enterprises. He said European Commission Vice President Antonio Takhani industry official said that «the European Union will support reforms that will begin in the implementation of the neighboring countries experiencing major changes». He spoke Takhani to «life» the eve of his participation in the Conference of African Ministers of Industry in Algeria between 27 and 30 March (March), saying: «European Union will support programs of economic and political reforms in Tunisia, Egypt and other

Profit down 41 companies listed on the national stock exchange

Registered 41 companies listed on the Stock Exchange Qatar decline in net profit for the fiscal year 2010 by 9 percent, down to 29.9 billion riyals ($ 8.2 billion), compared to 32.9 billion riyals ($ 9 billion) achieved in 2009, according to a Report of the Global Investment House «Global» for annual financial results for Qatari companies.
The report pointed out that «the performance of these companies during the fourth quarter of 2010, was the worst when compared to the first three quarters of the same year, as well as when compared to the same period of 2009, as companies recorded a country a net profit of seven billion riyals in

Saudi Arabia plans to increase oil platforms 30 percent

 heading Arabia, the largest oil exporter in the world, to increase the oil platforms by 30 percent for «strengthening the productive capacity», as announced, an analyst at «Simmons & Co.» Bill Herbert.
The Herbert in a research note that «the national oil company giant« Saudi Aramco »met with companies in oil services leader, including« Halliburton »weekend, and unveiled plans to increase the number of platforms operating in the country this year and next to 118 the platform of about 92 now».

Group of Twenty in China tomorrow to discuss the flow of capital and reforming the monetary system

Group of Twenty nations will meet tomorrow in Nanjing, east China, on the initiative of France to discuss the issues of capital flows and the reform of the international monetary system, at a time of economic recovery risks as a result of the earthquake disaster in Japan.
She described the French Presidency event as «precedent that perpetuate weight of China in the global economy», and noted that it the first time that host State arising out of a major meeting of the Group of Twenty, with the participation of most of the finance ministers major economic powers and the

Arrest of former minister and an adviser to Karzai on charges of embezzling money

Prosecutors arrested Afghan Dilauri light of God, an economic advisor to President Hamid Karzai and the former Governor of the Central Bank in Kabul yesterday, on charges of embezzling public funds of $ 300 thousand dollars when he presided over the Central Bank of Afghanistan.
The Attorney-General announced Amanullah faith that Dilauri arrested at his home in Kabul on the basis of charges of embezzling funds and corruption », note that the former Transport Minister Inayatullah Qasmi was arrested the day before yesterday and put in remand prison by order of the Public Prosecutor,

Deceive the Syrian people fake reforms Syria and abroad

A forced regime in Syria to talk about the near abolition of a state of emergency in force since 48 years and the adoption of other reforms, acknowledging the direct fall of the theory that foreign policy can provide internal stability, and reiterated by President Bashar al-Assad in his interview last with the newspaper «Wall Street Journal» in Early last month, when He said that his country is immune to what has happened and is happening in Tunisia and Egypt, because of the heterogeneity in beliefs between the government and the Syrian people,

Battles in Tripoli between the sons of Gaddafi

An eyewitness from the Libyan capital, the argument raised by Libyan sources for the sounds of gunfire heard by residents of Tripoli two days before from inside the stronghold of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi in fortified barracks door Aziziyah due to a sharp disagreement broke out suddenly between the sons of Gaddafi.

Association launches campaign to fight AIDS against discrimination

Fight against AIDS Society launched a campaign under the slogan "If you're positive serum" in order to fight discrimination against people living with the disease virus HIV (SIDA).
"A committee of the Assembly, said Tuesday that this

Rural women in public policies in Morocco

I would like to do in my intervention by comparing some of the orientations of public policies in Morocco with regard to rural women and focused national initiative for human development and positioning of women in the immediate surroundings through the creation of a dynamic development closely
their circumstances of living. This comparison is based on the point of view Anthropological field where you play the   qualifications and cultural role is essential to understand the presence of women in local communities and its potential role as a lever for good governance.

Mernissi struggling within the top 100 globally

Categorized Ms. Moroccan sociologist Fatima Mernissi struggling in the list of the Top 100 most influential people in the world, prepared by the newspaper (Dhuguardian) British on the occasion of International Women's Day.
And provided the British newspaper the

Deposed President Mubarak called his beard in Sharm el-Sheikh

Detection Ahmad Mashal, warden record month in real estate near the city of Sharm el-Tur Sheikh, Egypt, that deposed President Hosni Mubarak launched his beard since he was transferred to the resort after the popular revolution that led to his overthrow on 11 February.