Almitodlogia Méthodologie .. Analysis of scientific methods in terms of objectives, principles, procedures and technologies

Linguistically Métodos   Means the road to ... And Logos   Means the study or science, and the theme is the study of tribal ways, and in particular the modalities, the analysis of scientific methods in terms of objectives, principles and procedures, and technologies ...) 1976 Galisson. (It is also a set of steps or stages of the organization and arranged in a specific series, the teacher implemented in order to be able to complete the lesson .
And Almitodouloggio in the field of teaching in general, is a series of operations the organization that aims to analyze the methods of pedagogy or develop new ones, and derive these operations principles or hypotheses of the foundations of the theory concerning the Balsikolojia and the field of material and sociology and the field of pedagogy and the field of technology ...) for the Dictionary of Science Education 0.2001).

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