Intestinal schistosomiasis.. Dosentaraa acute or chronic or bleeding from the anus. Bleeding from esophageal varices. Decline in liver function may lead to liver failure to cancer of the liver and spleen

And that affects the digestive system and patient complains of Dosentaraa acute or chronic or bleeding from the anus and vary complications intestinal schistosomiasis of bleeding from esophageal varices may kill the patient and ascites abdominal makes the patient is unable to work and a decline in liver function may lead to liver failure to liver cancer and spleen.
And when a patient is infected schistosomiasis, typhoid fever, typhoid fever may take a chronic form, there are two types of chronic typhoid fever:
First chronic typhoid fever multiplexed urinary schistosomiasis.
Secondly chronic typhoid fever multiplexed intestinal schistosomiasis.