Think well of God and turn to Him and fear

The capacity to think well of God firmly on every believer that imparted in his heart.. It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah, the Prophet r , He said, thinking well of good worship.

And Abu Sufyan said: I heard the Jabra, says: I heard the Prophet r says before his death three: Whoever among you can not die and he thinks only in God Good, let him do so.

According to another report from Jabir bin Abdullah, he said: I heard the Prophet r says before his death three: Imutn not only one of you is to think positively of God Almighty.

He says the convoy of the Prophets: {.. they used to hasten in good works, polytheists Rhba and were submissive to us} (90) Al-Anbiya

Ie, initiate it and do it on time, virtuous, and Akmlunha on the face of decent, which should not leave a virtue they can afford, but took the opportunity in which, {, polytheists Rhba 'ie, ask us things unwanted by the interests of the world and the Hereafter, and Ataudhun us of the things feared them, disadvantages of both realms, and they want Rahabon not oblivious, and is easier to Mudallon, {and they were submissive to us, 'ie subject Mtzllin Mtdharaan, and the completeness of their knowledge of their Lord.

"The mushroom is the human fear, hope and work continuously in these lines himself, and by their direction in the right direction; win the Muslim world and the security in the Paradise in the Hereafter"

Effects of good fruits and good benefits to the individual from the traitors of God:

(1) "The fear of God salutes the conscience of human vigilance and fear, and control of God - glorified and exalted - will prevent the man from getting carried away in sin, and earned something haraam, and sends the human spirit of courage, and drive him to speak out right, do not calculate to create an account not averse from one, and not afraid of a creature he says: who report messages of Allah and fear do not fear anyone but Allah, and Allah is enough for Reckoner} (39) Al-Ahzab

Describes the God of divine prophets who have gone before Muhammad, as they were to inform the messages of their Lord to those sent by God to them, and do not hesitate in that whatever rule they want notification burden on them. And the fear of God in leaving the Report messages, do not fear anyone else, and enough God appointed and helpers and protectors of the work of the people, by the accountant.

(2) The fear of God stands guard wants rights to the goodness and righteousness, and warning him of the evil, and deviation, if committed a sin and it is quick to repent and seek forgiveness and regret, and fearful of God are those who say they listen and follow the best.

That if a person is afraid of Allah, he will stop his tongue from backbiting and gossip .... and this we must as educators to inculcate in the minds of our children recipe fear of God to wake up from a young age his conscience, and stand up to the temptations of this world."