Abel: Meta Theatre form of dramatic and philosophical vision .. Dramatic forms emerge and derive their life from the important values ​​outside the drama

It should be recalled here that the book "Almitamsarh: a new view of the dramatic form   Metatheatre: A New view of Dramatic form "Lionel Abel Lionel Abel , Which appeared in New York in 1963, is credited with raising attention to the phenomenon of Almitamsarh and make it a subject of critical reflection.
Deals with Abel, in this pioneering book, Modern Drama (represented by Brecht, Beckett, Genet ...) Proceeding from the premise to regain the position of George Steiner Georges Steiner That "the death of tragedy", and stresses the need for a conflict between Almitamsarh and tragedy.
 Regardless of the business covered by the adoption of the technology lesson scene inside the theater as a Mitamsarha,
The most important for him, is being characterized by "a common feature: All plays about life as a Mmsarhh advance". 
Perhaps what he meant to say this is that the characters that move within these plays are imaginary figures originally a play, before moving to the world stage. What makes it so is belonging to the myth or legend or ancient literature on the one hand, nor the nature of self, on the other. So, they are - in the eyes of Abel - "made by the playwright impact of imagined drama before it starts is the exercise of its impact on, as it is aware of the other - other than the figures tragedy - Pettmsarhha private". This awareness is that frames the event in the business Almitamsrahih , because the thinker and the subject stems from the imaginary self-monitoring.
These characteristics of the existence of personalities in advance and informed Mmsarhh Pettmsarhha, thinker and events during the presentation, which is Tmizaloamal modern drama which he says Abel: "I call it Mitamsarhaat Metaplays , Any acts of
These dramas, which spawned the New World extends its assets to some classic works, which reflected the technology adoption stage inside the theater perspective philosophically distinct. And it comes in particular - in the eyes of Abel - Shakespearean theatrical play such as "Summer Night's Dream"   Or "Storm", a theatrical play and Calderon "Life is a dream." Acts Almitamsrahih regain Alkrotsk GrotesqueShakespearean and Baroque Baroque Alcaldroni, through emphasis on the philosophical perspective based on two basic concepts:
- Theater of the world The world's a stage .
- Living a dream Life is a dream .
Then, every attempt to dramatization of the world and life are, in fact, the dramatization of the scene in which a pre-existing. So, talk all Valmsarh a Mitamsarh. This form is the actual declaration of the end of the tragedy "as a kind belongs to the past, and impossible in the modern world".
The Almitamsarh, then, translates into a dramatic view of the world based on the recommendation of the values ​​created by the rights according to the dictates of the conditions surrounding it. Therefore, the absolute values ​​upon which the tragedy becomes invalid in a changing world creates new forms of expression for itself.
The Abel, which stems from the perception that "forms of drama emerges and draws her life from the important values ​​outside the drama", are involved, in cash, in the current that provides Patarrakhih way; is embodied by other names as Peter Zonda, which started from the theory of historical dialectic to confirm that "March of the art is not determined by the ideas as far as determined by the evolution of forms. has grabbed the playwrights of the topic of the present variable a new world of forms". Perhaps this perception itself is upon which the study Sarazak of the drama of modern confirming: that the complexity of human relations and social of our time, can not be reduced in the theater only "help form".
This perspective is based on the historical drama format is very important because it makes us look Almitamsarh, and not as a formality, but also the embodiment of the system of values ​​and relationships in the world of variable and relative.
Perhaps the lesson we draw from the Tsouribal Almitamsarh is considered a form of dramatic hand, and the vision of the world on the other hand, allowing us to integrate after the "interpretation" in the lattice Almitamsarh which we intend to establish.

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