Digital governance elevate life through interdependence between people

Having hosted the international conference included the giant IT companies, media and analysts, strategists and specialists in digital networks and advanced communications, reached Singapore to develop its vision for the future of e-governance. They were participants in the conference, which concluded in late June of this, the name of this vision «E. Gough 2015» eGov2015.

Under this vision, e-government work in a cooperative manner to ensure the participation of citizens and interdependence among them. Is also working to guide government institutions to implement programs in advanced information and communication technology during the next five years.

It is known that Singapore have the present interest of international comparison studies, especially in the digital connection. For example, gained the experience of Singapore e-special mention in the final report issued by the «World Economic Forum» Davos in 2011. And received e-government projects in Singapore «the Stockholm Challenge Award» and «United Nations Award for public service». The figures show that 84 percent of the citizens of Singapore handled electronically with the government in 2010.

Governance and interdependence of human
Focused vision «E. Gough 2015» on three strategic areas in order to achieve e-government cooperative, is the cooperation for more effective public service, and the interrelationship between people as a means to ensure their effective participation and stimulate the digital transformation of government.

First, there is «E. Gough 2015» to the creation of advanced electronic services for the public, what would achieve a higher level of comfort to the citizen, and improve people's experience when dealing with digital government.

At the same time, the government put these digital platforms in a way help the private sector to strengthen relations of cooperation with them. In this context, the Government of Singapore has launched two services to the public advanced courses are the «Data. Writer. SGI » and« M. Gough @ SG »mGov @ SG.

The «Data. Writer. SGI »the first portal in Singapore open up government data to the public and offers access to more than 5 thousand a set of rules of official data relating to the work of more than 50 public institution. Services include the «Data. Writer. SGI »Download databases for the purposes of research and create applications, and the search for applications that use government data.

Second, the service was based «M. Gough @ SG» to the success of the Singapore government in the implementation of digital government services dedicated to portable communication devices, called «or - Servsz m-services). And give the «M Gough @ SG» digital services for mobile devices more interactive than its predecessor to meet the growing needs of the population increase their movement continuously.

This service also makes them able to deal with all the digital government services, through their mobile phones.

In parallel with the global phenomenon, it was noted that the citizens of Singapore who use social networking sites («Facebook», «Twitter »...) widely. And to respond to this phenomenon, deliberately number of government institutions launch platforms social media related, to ensure the participation of citizens.

Consultation digitally
Under the vision of «E. Gough 2015» e-government should be expanding efforts in e-participation, experience and innovative ways to benefit from the skills of the public Internet. These efforts aim to increase awareness and participation in public consultation processes across the digital interaction between the government and people. It also seeks to inform citizens on the latest topics of consultation through short messages sent to them either through mobile phones, or on the pages of citizens in social networking sites.

And falls into the same effort, the government seeks to explore effective ways to motivate people to participate, such as «Outsourcing General» General Out Sourcing of ideas and projects. And integrates this approach with the implementation of plans to strengthen the capacity of public sector employees in the use of tools of electronic media, which increases the power of individuals in the media.

Third, focus vision «E. Gough 2015» on the strategic development of electronic infrastructure to the evidence relating to the public sector, in addition to strengthening the technical skills of its staff. This includes building the next generation of infrastructure for information technology and communications to the government, and promote cooperation between governmental and other institutions. For example, emphasizes vision «E. Gough 2015» the importance of relying on technology «cloud computing» Cloud Computing, with the government's call to create the «cloud» of their own, it calls «the cloud government» to provide common services in a safe environment.
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