open communication.. the strength of a diverse trends of active ways of living based on observation and direct experience and personal practice

open communication:

open communication is the strength of a diverse trends of active ways of living based on observation and direct experience and personal practice. And where the teacher is just an element of the group and directs the help does not impose something from him, and does not provide ready solutions of his own making or of someone else.

This type of open communication has absolute priority in the lessons of the dye test and associated observation phenomena realistic: whether natural or social, political or economic, but he could not enjoy the same priority in the lessons of the dye theoretical abstractions nor in the lessons on Bamoibat both in addressing the events of the past or go into Fayalmauraúaat or dealing with the values ​​and judgments are not visible.

Thus, if a failed teacher, or a mistake, he put any type of networking is Atarhalipidagoja, or try to jump on what must pass it, it creates for himself and his disciples additional difficulties, and the cause of the impediments to communication, rather than to create the conditions for assistance, and such an attempt to establish control of the proceedings lessons lesson, And impossible to control in time, as there are no limits physical or controls and realistic view observed by the students in their questions, so the nature of the issues addressed by the rule necessitate sufficient interrogators and the adoption of horizontal communication, led by the teacher and guided with questions and then I do not mind then given the opportunity to question and criticism, discussion and raise In some of the problems that enough to achieve without the added quality for the neutrality of the natural course of the study, without departure from the subject.