Sex education in school curricula in Egypt

Dr. Heba Kotb renewed Professor of Medicine, Kasr El Aini, demanding the inclusion of sex education into the educational curriculum in schools and universities.
  She said in a seminar organized by the «Center for Egyptian Women» yesterday: if we let every young man or a child freedom to learn sex himself, we will come out of the community young dissolved «higgledy-piggledy» such as the youth of Europe and America who arrived in the number of cases of birth, including due to sexual relations are illegal to 38 million cases.
She added that child-rearing should be the privacy of his body, and that he should not approach him one, so as not to allow others to having cheated
Or sexually abused, pointing out that, in order that you must insert all about masturbation in school curricula, so as not to give absolute terms because it is forbidden according to her need to uneven from a young man to another. 
The gift to the study citizenship at the university level, should answer all the questions that revolve in the head of Youth to take shape with aspects of the missing sex education without any aspects of the default or pornography, noting that in light of the modern age, there is never enough simply to science alone or religion alone, there is information found in the flag and found in the literature, so it has to be twinning between science and religion, so do not go out to the community youth promiscuous.

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