In the world of make reading the best way and the magic key to discover the secrets of the universe ... In a world in which we repeat nation nation live up to read ... Nation lead nation read ...Estimated in a world where science without distinction ... In a world of information became the first and last word .. In a world in which he said French scientist newspapers are the best and fastest way to raise awareness and culture as much as possible from members of the community .. In a world where everyone is proud of and proud of what you have learned in any language was ... In a world where every nation maintains its culture, language and adheres tightly to ... In a world created by the great powers as they call it, such as Russia, America and France, with satellite channels and radio stations targeting the 24-hour Arabic to its importance and status of ... For it is the language related to one billion ... Individual in this world ... Language
Control 23 countries!! A transformation language for which men and Western scientists to oriental !!...While every nation is fighting to be the prevailing language is .. The strongest .. Arabic language suffers from weird in the bottom of her home ... Suffer from weird in the middle of her family and Darcyha !!...Yes, this is the bitter reality ... It is a fact needs to be changed, it is true that it is important to learn other languages, but most important is the pride in your own language first, and with its .. Pride in your culture ... and Sagueni to this speech has become a tug of war between me and my friend and then talk that led us to address the importance of reading and the Arabic language and the current situation.But the talk turned to talk to the controversial and could be called Balaqim after she concluded by saying that the Arabic language humiliated by her family did not Tafrdanha Ali? Did you see the difference between the treatment of speaking and Arabic-speaking French or English?! Did you see how exposed to ridicule those who speak fluent Arabic in the Arab countries themselves?!
Ah .. I knew what I meant .. In any case, it does not respect the culture and language is studied by the estimated value does not respect himself, but is infected with indecipherable name, or a sense of inferiority inferiority or weakness or toxicity of what you will, the important thing is a sickness which needs immediate treatment, if not in need of intensive care or immediate surgery!! Unfortunately, the node disease is widespread, I thought of a professor position happened to me may God have mercy on him when I was in high school, those days that we look forward to the university ... Those days when the university seats just a dream in the imagination .. The days that we miss to hear the experiences of our teachers with the study ... He once said that a teacher puts chalk on the podium, raising his eyes to the ceiling and rubbed his hands with each other .. During my return from Pakistan in the vacation summer I passed one of the Gulf States and in the airport headed towards the queries to ask about some things and actions, but I found the man (the employee) are interested in Europeans and Westerners and served by an unusually, although I was the first I became the last to get the information capacity capable of The only reason that I was fluent in Arabic Otlkm They speak their own language, English, French, Farr blood to the injustice suffered by him and a fight happened between me and that man admirer of language and culture of others!
Do they have priority because of their language better than Arabic?! Or that the papers making them the most expensive passport from the leaves of our passport?! Neither! But imposed respect, and self-respect of others and respected wherever puts you find yourself, whatever it was we who bears responsibility for what is under his Arabic language, we must impose respect.