Sudan, divided.. South Sudan independence referendum

Southern Sudan is almost certain that the ballot in favor of independence on Sunday.

Although the referendum was an item Muftahia in the 2005 accord that ended decades of civil war, many predicted that this will not be voting at all. Ballot (in itself) and a promising political commitment to peace, but the points of tension between the two sections remain unresolved after.

These points must be dealt with quickly to ensure a successful transition and a peaceful, if they became two of the country by July 2011.

It is not surprising that the South wants to secede from the harsh regime in Khartoum. Recent benchmarks that Omar al-Bashir will accept (as a result) the ballot, encouraging anyway. Can not only free and fair ballot to achieve a result as legitimate.

What could inflame tensions are negotiations that will follow the ballot. South with a Christian majority is practically independent to a large extent: He has Bcilh legislative, security forces and the flows of income. But the north and south are not ready for separation in other areas, particularly regarding oil.

With the resources of Sudan (oil) are generally located in the south, heading for the pipeline to refineries in the north. Oil revenues, divided evenly now, should continue to be shared. On the south, which earns 98 per cent of its income from oil, the realization that the North will continue to claim its share.

Leaders must do everything in their power to avoid the fragmentation of a violent nature. UN peacekeeping forces should be kept to monitor the front, and to ensure the life of Sodanie north or south, all in the other country.

Successful disengagement should be to show that African country could end the war in structured and legitimate. That independence in the Sudan, will not be a panacea.

Government of Southern Sudan should continue to represent the ethnic and political base broad, competing groups are exercised like South of the worst battles of the civil war. Separation would also exacerbate the suffering of the North. In particular, because the Darfur rebels and other groups affected may seek to clone (former) South and away from Khartoum.

In other African conflict zones, can be used as a model of Southern Sudan to push for independence, particularly in the Congo and Nigeria.

But the forces of fragmentation are likely to be violent. Have contributed to the common economic interests in maintaining peace in Sudan.

These links should be fed after independence.South has failed to invest in infrastructure, and the state closed the new should develop its links with its neighbors in East Africa.

More than previous collapse division, the regional integration of sustained, is what should be for the rest of African countries to emulate.

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