Sexist language.. Use the jobs hierarchy. The principle of precedence grammar

In the context of Moroccan society, we find that the problem of cultural prejudices carried by a very sensitive issue of language can not be ignored by those responsible for curriculum, language becomes, then, cultural space should be taking care of him more than as a mere tool for communication transparent and innocent and bitumen. In general can be considered the following points from the viewpoint of the concept of equity.
1- The principle of precedence grammar: notes that the masculine forms usually come before the female forms (men and women, boys and girls, male and female).
2- Names of functions: the male is usually used to denote the function that can be assigned for both sexes together (doctor, engineer, farmer ...).
3- Use the jobs hierarchy: note that some jobs are considered high value and importance of the socially assigned systematically for men, while assigned to women and fewer jobs or fewer jobs as a hierarchy (a doctor / nurse manager / teacher).

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