Reincarnation of the capillaries play.. Poetic play Western swing between the oversight authority to submit to the founding father of Aristotle and the chaos of this power

Not surprising that Aristotle means the founding father of the Western poetic drama. His book "The Art of Poetry" Drawing her theoretical framework based on the concepts of simulation and cleansing process, which controlled the production of theatrical work, and it is received. Has been the theory of Western literature generally revolve in the orbit of the poetic to the extent we can say with him that the "theory of history is not kind ... but the history of Aristotelianism in the theory of literature". Regardless of the location when the classical Aristotelian Tboath, has been cast a shadow on the theory of creativity and Westerners, both through the experiences that made ​​it a backdrop, or even by those that made ​​it a field of confrontation. Fberecht itself did not specify the poetic epic of its principles but different from comparing and contrasting with the principles of Aristotelian poetic.
This situation makes us emphasize that the history of the Western poetic drama under the swings between the oversight authority to submit to the founding father of Aristotle, and the chaos of this power, therefore, which leads us to describe the process of the poetic "the reincarnation of the capillaries play." What should be emphasized here is that it's not as explicit theory, but also affects what can be called a creative formula for poetry, that is, those pop-up - implicitly - for creative practice itself, which made ​​it Almitamsarh into pillar core.
But the question remains on the table here is: What do we mean by "poetic reincarnation?". We believe that the significance of the language of the word "reincarnation" give us what help to understand the significance of conventional. If we go back to the root "Copy" in "the tongue of the Arabs" to the son of perspective, we find, "and things reincarnation: trading so some place some countries, such as the King; In the modern: You were not a prophecy but Tanascht any shifted from event to event, I mean, is the nation and the covariance condition. The Arabs say : copied the sun shade and Antschth removed, and the meaning Ozhpt shade and replaced [...] and reincarnation in the statutes and inheritance: to die after the heirs of the heirs of the inheritance and the origin of that was not divided, as well as the reincarnation of the times and century after century".
Associated with reincarnation, then, significance, including: trading and transformation, change and death of branches with the survival of origin; and this evidence itself controls the conventional meaning of the concept of   "Reincarnation poetic."
If we take the argument of the "simulation" that underlay the poetic and Aristotelianism we think becoming a reincarnation in the light of this, we find that it has taken various versions of theatrical creativity in the West: simulation in the context of potential Vraisemblable , In the light of the real simulation Véridique , Reflectivity simulation, simulation photography, simulation full ... And so on. Even when these have been saying for a review, or rather of the heart so that it is the art form and origin, is the imitation of nature - as is the case when Berandelo - has been the simulation list.
Then, we can say that "reincarnation poetic" indicates fixed and transformed in the western theater at the same time. Its importance lies in the detection of the other side of what we called earlier the dynamism of this theater, and of this time in persistent principles of the poetic original creativity in theater without canceling the openness of its structure quality and text on the history, culture and society, is to confer on those principles of poetry itself a kind of relativism, transformation and becoming, and openness to potential Allamentzer.
To stand a close eye on this phenomenon, we have chosen - in this chapter - Analysis of the texts represented a different capillaries reflect the creative relate, in one form or another, Shearia origin. And can distinguish between two different approaches where large: one an extension of Aristotelianism and the second by a coup.

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