Educational principles of activation and the most important techniques to engage the group in order to achieve the objectives of Chapter educational cognitive, emotional and behavioral)

Activation group educational processes that are meant to move the chapter and the involvement of a group in order to achieve educational objectives (cognitive / affective / behavioral).
Activation consists of the components of basic education are: activated (broken Shin) - activated (open Shin) - activation issue - and the means and techniques of activation.
  Activation depends on a set of educational principles and the foundations are:
- The democratization of relations.
- Encourage and develop talent.
- Developing the art of listening.
- Adoption of appropriate techniques of the group.
- Limited to driving on the direction and guidance and assistance.
- Maintenance of a space group of all the impurities health, moral and social development.
- Planning activity through a collective decision.
- Investment of feedback to review the method of work.
And activated to carry out the demands of group tasks can be summarized in:
- Planning: identification of specific skills / tools / techniques ...
- Organize: Set operations / tools / time ...
- Guidance: Guidance / Assistance ...
- Steering: Move the group dynamic section ..
- Calendar and support.
And varied techniques of activation and the group's size and capabilities, and these techniques:
- Working groups: It is based on the distribution of students into small groups (5 / 6 individuals) are working on one subject collectively with the integration of those who are characterized by shame and fear the face of the teacher.
- Technology Phillips (6 / 6): 6 children working for 6 minutes on a specific theme, and technology allows fast effectiveness and training on the discount and the investment of time and requires to master the art of listening to the other (you can use this technique in particular in the articles of scientific activity and workers and construction).
- Technology brainstorming: aim is to reach the group to highlight the innovative ideas (production of new ideas) or solutions on the problem or issue that put them and absolutely free, without criticism or comment .. ie not to issue any ruling on the value of the proposed topic for discussion or solution.
- Activate the separation of multi-level: the best chapter for the application of educational technologies activation, which is a solution to avoid duplication of a speech teacher, and the same strain of reconciling the two or Okthern so that the use of educational technologies activation turning section subscriber to the department effectively.