Healthy eating.. Food affects the human disease. Cases of allergic reactions. Cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity and some cancers

There is no doubt that the food of paramount importance inhuman life, but it is something that depends upon man in buildinghis body and his mind and grow, no doubt, many of diseasesoriginating from the food we eat, and through the food can be infected with human diseases of various, ranging from thesimplest cases sensitivity to cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity and some cancers.

The world has changed around us during the past decade, a radical shift, a reflection of us kind of lifestyles we did not Nahdhin the past, or rather was forgotten or little attention .. It's new lifestyle in which we live Life Style.

The result was that many people eat foods not benefit them, andthat many people become home to bed overloaded with baddigestion, and rising cases of headache, do not feel during the day as well, but that he feels that he is older than the real. The idea of ​​"depends on what you eat" the idea of ​​dominant public opinion and on the lives of many people and also common to say"Tell me what you eat less you .. from you.."

The food in the past is mainly based on cereals, legumes, vegetables, fruits, and some of the meat. But modern civilizationhas turned the concepts of food, Vavrt a lot of people in eating meat, fats and sweets and Alkikat and fast food and ready-made, and the displaced grains and pulses and the reluctance of manyfruits and vegetables and this called for WHO to develop food pyramid shows foods that should be relied upon as a major sourceof our daily diet , and foods that should be identified andaddressed mitigation.
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