"Impromptu of Versailles" or conflict, "representation" in the theater.. The theater is in all the cavities as a Molière play and the scene inside the theater

When Moliere wrote his play "School of women," and drew sharp criticism because of her realistic Khcontha and sharp. This was the beginning of a currency strong battle between Moliere and his opponents, is initiated by a personal response represents the first in his play "school of criticism of women," which he used to include the positions of Daramatorgia and some statements that were prevalent on the concept of the stage, including in particular the argument fitness Bienséance .
  In the context of this debate, which took the aesthetic character, although he harbors a deep political dimension, included "an impromptu of Versailles L'Impromptu de Versailles "Which is a final and decisive response to Molière's opponents. What may make it more decisive and effective is being written by order of the king.
Have tried to dispose of that Molière political power to silence Mhenaih, starting from the same address, where you name Bmrtglh "Versailles" in relation to the Royal Palace of Versailles. 
This is not stamped on the political aspect of the play, however, the direct nature of political discourse, so that Molière wrote improvised out of a man who practices the profession of writing and directing, and acting. So, if interest has been focused on the general concept of art, drama earlier, it made ​​improvised a way to criticize his opponents' perceptions of representatives of the Hotel Burgundy Borgogne Adults, about the actor and the art of diagnostic methods and performance, but Molière than to respond to the criticism and "formulated a theory of comedy".
Dramatic events taking place in the hall of comedy at the Palace of Versailles, where the start of the representatives invited Molière who work in his band to begin exercises. Due to their failure and Tdhirahm not know their roles and the difficulty to remember their conversations, Molière labeled as "exotic animals", and expressed his fear of failure, especially since the play will be presented to the King who ordered type:
"Miss Béjart: so long as it scares you, it was you have to take precautions well, and not committed to   Only eight days to do what you've done.
Molière: It is a means to defend myself, especially since the king ordered me to do so".
  The most important of Moliere is not the mastery, but compliance with the orders of the king. So, he is betting on the ability of actors to improvise based on their intelligence. Then, we note that when asked about the roles, he replied that it was a prose Prose . Accordingly, Valaratjal as possible, and that the issue is known and the exchange made ​​against Moliere and his band.
  On the basis of overlapping levels of play in the play, Moliere begins the same way to provide that should be performed by some of the dialogues and passages referring to the performance of the representatives of the Hotel Burgundy, and taking advantage of it to express his opinion on some comedy roles such as the role Marquis Le Marquis . And interspersed   Scenes and dialogues reveal the suffering of Moliere with his opponents and to highlight the function of comedy and various social issues that can turn into comedy themes. And evoke the play, which is written against Moliere entitled "picture painter Le Portrait du Peintre . "Molière, but expressed his unwillingness to choose violence, defamation and making speeches against his enemies, and insists on completion of training for his work, who could not submit in time to help delay its onset, the permission of the King, to a later date.
  When we look at these incidents, we note that playing in the play is going on within the two levels distinct and overlapping at the same time. The first level Bmollier director who wishes to improvise a comic play with his band. And the second to engage in the actual improvisation without prior notice, and the completion of a satirical comedy theme of Molière's enemies and their criticism of his play. This situation makes us to play and can be labeled the "comedy actors Comédie des comédiens "Or" comedy in the comedy".
   In line with this procedure based on the double play, put improvised Related Topics comedy itself and the ways their performance. Can be distinguished, in this context, the following issues:
- As a comedy drama.
- Foundations of theatrical work.
- Diagnosis or the art of acting.
  We have already noted that Molière attempted to formulate a theory of comedy in Mrtglth. One of the features that he stood for some comedy roles, such as the role Marquis:
"Molière: Marquis, today, is interesting in the comedy. As long as we always see in the old follower Alcolmadiat listeners laughing jest, it is also required in all current and Msarhaatna Markizmther a ridiculous Wesley band".
  The stop also when some patterns of human to be taken subject to ridicule and criticism in the comedy. In parallel with this, try to highlight the function Molière comedy through dispel the misunderstanding that surrounds his work comedy, which fixture opponents who are always looking for a match between patterns of human imaginary and some models of living in reality, forgetting that:
"Brikur: comedy as long as the job is to represent the people all the defects in general, and especially the people whom our century, it is impossible for Moliere to talk about property that does not affect someone in the world.
  As long as the accusations of opponents have also focused on how the work of Molière as a man of theater that combines writing and directing and acting, the improvised work is also critical of Corneille as a liability, or, more accurately, they Nishi "disintegration déboulonne   Corneille" from the site gives the largest proportion of objectivity on this deconstruction, a site that a skilled knower secrets.
In return for this, paint the foundations of improvised theatrical work, when Molière, namely: to ensure the compatibility of the band and representatives and their right to freedom of opinion and objection and the desire to create a democratic climate of declining authority of the director for the construction of collective action. Molière and the keenness of these values, it was not intended only indirect reference to the political values ​​underlying the rule. So, we can say, "The art of improvised Versailles in miniature of the rule, does not offer itself as a lesson given to the king of style
Corneille met, but as a mirror of the behavior of the monarchy".
   In line with the hallmark of an impromptu, as the "Comedy of Representatives," was the subject of diagnosis and the performance of representative central part in the play, where it notes that Molière, who plays the director directs the band members as to how that should be adopted in the performance of certain sections, taking into account the correct distribution of roles and quotation for the possibility of improvisation from the written text.
   All of these topics Almmsarhh show the adoption of "impromptu of Versailles" to conduct a basic Mitamsarha   Is a thematic self. Moreover, the author Vmollier become a key figure in improvised involved in the fabric of events and express his views of the author's site - the epic. He chose to offer a qualitative self-template Mrtglth face in the direction of the vitriol and sarcasm is a comedian who used the template here is based on how the double play.
  It is noticeable that improvised - from this angle - in line with the trend comedy-General to the Molière, this approach which highlighted Quervain its components, saying "the theater is in all of Molière as a hollowed out to play and the scene inside the theater; exist in the integration of aspects of deceiving going from monster open-air personalities (from Mascarril to Scapan and Alpher to Koviel) to challenge generalized in lying: the community as a scene (hating humans), and the world as a theater (Tartov, the patient's illusion) All. mask and all convincing. shows the personal nature of Molière in front of this scenario familiar to Shakespeare and Corneille, in the the desire to remove the masks and make them all a source of comic pleasure. it comes, in fact, against the theater scene, but it is by the stage. This is the argument of the paradox that makes Molière-Hakim and the clown at the same time".
  If we look at improvised in the light of these limitations, we note that they are reflected in the dimensions  Allobei of theater in the cavity, and cash of disclosure practices of theatrical masks and other political.Perhaps this is what makes the "Versailles impromptu" theater within the theater, and theater against the theater, at the same time.
The dimension of this double bind Almitamsarh dictates what is improvised in the subjective and objective at the same time. Valmertgelh, in terms of self, drawing a path Sermatia is connected to a portion of the literary life of Molière himself, as received, in substantive terms, the letter highlights the extensions within the spaces of political theater.
It is not coincidence that Moliere would interpret the same and makes it a key figure in an impromptu performed by himself. It is thus dating to his play in the critical path of theater known acute struggle between him and his opponents. Vmrtglh Molière Tmsarh history comedy to the man through Sankronah specific, starting with "School of women," and ending with "impromptu of Versailles," and highlight the period that witnessed the contrast in perspectives and aesthetic conflict in the political ideas with the highlight, of course, on the personal attitude Molière from all this.
  This Alsermata side that made ​​the improvised theatrical biography of partial flows logically in the political side, especially since the play conjures relationship Molière Louis XIV. And bring the theater of the Palace of Versailles is, in fact, an attempt to build bridges of communication between the people and the king. In addition to this, the establishment of the theatrical work based on the values ​​of freedom and improvisation, harmony and democracy, not only the symbolic formulation of the values ​​on which the king, and that made ​​Molière himself a servant and a promoter. The improvised play for the formulation of the similarity between the world of theater and politics.

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